crashfrog- post 16
I assume your objection will be in regards to the constancy of decay rates over time, and honestly I'd like someone else to, uh, remind me why we assume this.
mark24- post 18
This can only leave a YEC one place to go, the underlying physics. Half life constancy.
buz- post 109
Either the Bible is wrong or there's some problems with dating methods of the fossils and petrified bones, etc
Rrhain - post 268
Of course. That's one of the first tenets of science: Don't make stuff up. You can only go with the information you have. Since we have been unable to find any particular method by which radioactive decay can change rates, we don't get to just make up the opinion that it can.
Besides the problem remaining- correlation between various methods- which this thread addresses, there is a very real problem with the idea that things might have been different with physical laws in the past. This has also been studied and looked into using observations of light from distant stars. I would suggest the book, "The Constants of Nature" by John D. Barrow. You can likely find it a your local library. It is accessible to a high school level.