Where's your material for the "big bang"? "Matter cannot be created, nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.
Ever hear of E=MC
2. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but either can be change into the other. Just the binding energy of atom shows this. The weight of 2 moles of protons, neutrons & electrons is more than the resultant mole of Helium 4 atoms. 4.033 grams vs 4.003 grams thus 0.03 grams of matter converted into energy per mole that is 24.6 electon volts per atom and a total of 2.37E+6 joules/mole. Calclations from "Hand Book of Chemistry & Physics" 87th Edition, 2006
Edited by bluescat48, : superscript
Edited by bluescat48, : No reason given.
Edited by bluescat48, : spelling
There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other WT Young, 2002
Who gave anyone the authority to call me an authority on anything. WT Young, 1969