Buz, you did state:
"Geologists and physicists mentally locked into the illogical TOE tend to downplay simple logic and common sense in much of what they have become able to swallow, ideologically"
It was in post 54 and you have provided no evidence that there is any truth in it at all. It's just a personal attack aimed at discrediting the evidence against you - pure ad hominem.
And there is no C14 problem. The facts are well known and your source has no excuse for writing on the subject without being aware of them - or worse ignoring them.
The first fact is that the rate of production is variable and depends on cosmic rays hitting the Earth's atmosphere. Scientists take this into account and are investigating it using material where the age can be independantly confirmed. Dendrochronology goes back around 10,000 years and other methods - such as lake varves go back tens of thousands of years more. And yes, they prove that life ahs been around for more than 10,000 years.
The second fact is that the Industrial Revolution affected neither the rate of production nor that of decay. By burning fossil fuel humans have released old carbon (therefore not contining significant amounts of C14) into the atmosphere, affecting the ratio of C14 to C12. This effect means that dates over the last few hundred years can be ambiguous. It has no relevance to the really old material at all (indeed we only get "wrong" ages for material from the 20th Century or later - and the latter half of that is also affected by increased C14 production caused by the testing of nuclear weapons).
And this is why creationist sources are often not taken seriously. They are frequently wrong.
Try this site for some real information :
radiocarbon WEB-info