Hi Buz,
There was no deception intended, it was a genuine attempt to educated you in a basic premise of archaeological research. The example was to help you think about what you are claiming. I know you have read about chariot wheels as you have posted messages about them before, that was why I used the chariot wheels as an example to illustrate that each individual find is unique. It isnt just the construction of the hammer that has to be considered, the circumstances of the find are important too. The levels above and below the find are very important for dating an artefact, the location of the find may even indicate if the artefact is local or not. If it ins't local then this could indicate a 'nomadic' group or even point to early trading amongst groups.
Also, I wasnt spinning anything, since the thread is about your rejection of dating methods, I was simply interested in how Baugh dated the hammer, and then why you would accept his dating method above every other one.
You keep citing people to support your cause who are not experts in their fields, if anything, they are embarrassments not only to the discipline that they are trying represent, but they are also embarrassments to any level headed observer. You use Baugh as an expert and the guy has been shown to be little more than a crank, you even doubt his abilities yourself now.
But perhaps the most ridiculous 'expert' you use is Ron Wyatt, you take the word of this ex-nurse over the word of highly trained and dedicated archaeologists, this guy had no clue about even the basics of archaeological methodology, but then again he didnt need it. There are so many gullible desparate Bible believers out there, so anxious to have anything to support the Bible stories that they swallow any garbage thrown their way.
I need to let you in on a secret Buz. Hovind, Baugh, Wyatt et al, are all making a complete fool out of you and all the other people who swallow their grabage. When you present their arguments to anyone who even has a basic understanding of the area they are representing, all you are doing is showing the person that you are trying to persuade that you havent done any critical research.
There's nothing wrong with trying to defend your beliefs, but some people simply refuse to change their stance regardless of what evidence is presented to them.
Finally, good luck with your personal search, I hope you find what you are looking for.
Best Wishes.