Try concentrating on just learning about Adam Sedgwick. Pardon me, Reverend Adam Sedgwick. Inspirational example of how a true scientist, despite personal beliefs, can let the evidence speak. The man spent his career looking for evidence of the Great Flood, only to finally realize that no such evidence exists. Mind you, he knew, unlike today's Creationists, that the Great Flood couldn't possibly explain the entire geological record. That was clearly impossible then (and now). But for much of his career he felt there was evidence in the recent geological record for the Flood.
If you're looking for "Creationists" just like today's creationists, you can't find them 200 years ago, because intelligent Christian scientists had easily figured out the impossibility of reconciling a literal Genesis (and a timetable of a few thousand years) with the geological evidence. Today's Creationism is a bizarre 1960's invention which pretended that the previous centuries of research hadn't happened.
[This message has been edited by Zhimbo, 07-08-2003]