How ironic is it that - in regard to the EVC debate (especially on this site) - religion is decried as the absolute worst form of evidence especially when faced with the objectivity of Science, and yet to claim the opposite when it is suitable to the argument...
Consider the above claim:
What an absolutely classic example of just how silly the ID and Biblical Creationism really is cannot be be faked. Only someone like Bruce Chapman could even imagine that is support.
Contrast their list of 640 scientists with the over 10,000 US Christian Clergy who signed the Clergy Letter supporting teaching the Theory of Evolution and decrying teaching of ID or Biblical Creationism.
What does it matter what some uneducated clergy are willing to concede in the face of intense public pressure from academia, the media, and the public at large - especially in the face of declining church attendance. How does their opinion of science matter anymore than the supposed 60 percent of laypeople in this country who don't believe in strict darwinian evolution? Furthermore, 10000 clergy men out of approximately 400 thousand churches in the country means that these signees constitue an extreme minority (2.5%!) of nationwide clergy. If the opinions of 640 scientists are so vastly discounted by the counter-voice of their majority opposition, why isn't the same true with the clergy?
Instead of ridiculing the growing number of skeptical scientists (PhDs, I might add) who are brave enough to voice their doubt of the current theories, we might be more willing hold off on our ridicule long enough to consider if there might be someting there...