I would like to see a debate arise about wether 10+10=20. That won't happen, know why? Because nobody needs to be told it. Everyone already knows it. You wouldn't see a mathematician going haywire on a forum, because someone said 10+10=30. He would dismiss them. Know why? Because there's no threat to his belief that 10+10=20, because that's set in stone.
we tried dismissing creationism. but it doesn't work. they have more and more converts every year.
there is no debate about whether or not evolution happens, and how it explains the diversity of life on this planet, in the scientific community. biologists just as easily dismiss these kind of claims.
Is it necessary to promote evolution?
only because creationists are trying to get their distortions into schools, and taught as science.
Why is it so critical people believe it? - When someone is wrong, or doing something wrong, and they know it, it seems to be human nature to find others to take down with you. The more people you fool, the more you fool yourself. If evolution were fact, there would be as many debates on it as there is on 10+10 doesn't equal 20. (I hope there are no debates like that!)
imagine a group came out that insisted that arithmetic was just faith, and 10+10=30. they tried to get this idea into schools by promoting that we "teach the controversy" etc.
why would it be neccessary to debate these fools?