This has had me pissed off all day long. I can see why many people on the side of right in this case have opted not to be involved with these kangaroo court proceedings. The voice of reason is a whisper lost in the clamor of the crowd, even more in Kansas this week then as is usual.
If the members of that school board are congenitally stupid enough to believe the garbage they are pushing, they are not fit for being allowed outside by themselves, much less to hold public office.
If they are cynical and uncaring enough to let a perceived political advantage (in hold a school board seat of all the petty things) harm every student in a state, they are scoundrels who deserve to be run out of town on a rail.
If the majority of people in Kansas are ignorant enough to let this happen, then they are getting the educational system they deserve. The kids don't deserve it, but what can you do?
Those citizens of Kansas wise and informed enough to oppose this nonsense should be proud. To those people I say, keep going and fight the fools.