Half serious actually. Sideline pretty much illustrated the difficulty of putting out anything like that (freaking hilarious if someone did it though).
Of course creos would argu that evos already do it with shows like Dinosaurs, the Land Time Forgot, etc. etc.
But you are right. I honestly think one of the appeals of creationism is that for many people it is easier to believe "God did it" than "it was just some random event." Like some sort of distorted Occam's Razor: we feel more comfortable with explanations that have a purpose behind them than those that don't.
Why else would Astrology and folk superstitions be so pervasive.
Which do you find easier to believe:
A- You were put here on the earth for a purpose, your life has meaning.
B- Your life is meaningless, and it doesn't matter if you, your family, or your entire species ever existed.
What's going to be easier for the folks in Kansas to believe? People exist as part of a plan, or as the result of a random mutation that could have just as easily not have happened?
This message has been edited by custard, 02-27-2005 20:27 AM
This message has been edited by custard, 02-27-2005 20:28 AM