freelancer writes:
One piece of evidence that proves that something in the Bible is wrong?
How about the logistical conundrum of Noah *finding* two of every species on the earth, *collecting* pairs of them *alive*, having a boat big enough to house them all - separately so the predators wouldn't eat the herbivores etc. - *knowing* enough about the biology of each to keep every one alive for 40 days and nights. And what would he have used to feed them all - especially the predators that require live food?
Such a feat would seem impossible even with today's advanced technology. We haven't even *discovered* all the species yet, for goodness sake, let alone learned how to keep them all alive in captivity. As someone who regularly struggles with the problems of rearing of relatively simple insect species, this 'floating zoo' fairy tale has to be the most biologically ludicrous story in the entire bible. And even if it were possible, we know enough about population biology to realize that NO POPULATION OF HIGHER ANIMAL COULD POSSIBLY BE RE-STARTED WITH ONLY TWO INDIVIDUALS. That's an impossibly small bottleneck for any population to survive and inbreeding depression would finish off just about all sexual species.
There is precious little in the bible that makes any sense in the light of what is currently known about biology, so I suggest that if you actually take a biology course you will find plenty more inconsistencies for yourself.