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Member (Idle past 5877 days) Posts: 105 From: Pullman, WA, USA Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Is Intelligent Design Religion in the Guise of Science? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bluescat48 Member (Idle past 4357 days) Posts: 2347 From: United States Joined: |
The thought of evolutionists having total say over what we should believe about origins scares the crap out of me! The thought of creationists & IDers having total say over what we should believe about origins scares the crap out of me! What does it take to bring you guys out of the dark ages. What next flat earth, sun revolves around the earth, vapor canopy, etc. Edited by bluescat48, : No reason given. There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other
Rahvin Member (Idle past 138 days) Posts: 4046 Joined: |
A lot of them still believe in the vapor canopy.
Every time a fundy breaks the laws of thermodynamics, Schroedinger probably kills his cat.
faust  Suspended Member (Idle past 6076 days) Posts: 16 Joined: |
quote: And where is the original research for those suppositions. For people wishing to pass their mythology off as science, they damn sure aren't concerned about making any actual contributions.
quote: As opposed to 3/8's formed? You are not making a point with that statement except to show us you do not know what transitional forms are. Every fossil can be considered a transitional form. Sometimes those transitions went nowhere, sometimes they were passed on with success. Indeed, if you want to see a living transitional animal, look no further than the nearest animal as we are all transitional forms between our ape ancestors and whatever the future of our genepool produces.
quote: I refuse to believe you honestly believe that because it pains me to imagine anyone could be that dense on purpose. Allow me to give you an active example of changes and how quickly they can occur. Morton's Toe, which is having one's second toe be larger than the hallux, was present in less than 5% of caucasians during the 1950's. It is now over double that and within some caucasian populations as much as five times that. And this is just one genetic trait over the course of half a century(thanks bluegenes). Imagine, then, the sum total of our traits and how quickly they can morph us. Slow by our own reckoning, but not by geological time. A longer toe here, an increase of rubidism there, it all adds up. Beers, C. V.; Clark, L. A. :Tumors and short-toe--a dihybrid pedigree: a family history showing the inheritance of hemangioma and metatarsus atavicus. J. Hered. 33: 366-368, 1942. Kaplan, A. R. :Genetics of relative toe lengths. Acta Genet. Med. Gemellol. 13: 295-304, 1964. PubMed ID : 14198926 Romanus, T. :Heredity of a long second toe. Hereditas 35: 651-652, 1949. Orthopaedic Nursing. 21(6):35-39, November/December 2002.Childs, Sharon G. quote: The fact that you must resort to the weasel word "essentially" is very telling. With that one word you have conceded to knowing that there is in fact change to an animal but in order to prove your point you must refer to it over a shorter timeframe.
quote: The moment you used the word "essentially" you have made concession to gradualism. Gradualism shows that things will always be "essentially" the same as their nearest ancestors and predecessors in terms of evolution. But those small changes that make them "essentially" the same add up as one moves through the time scale. Think of light. One band of light is "essentially" the same as the bands above and below it. But those small changes add up giving us a vast and varying scale. All because of small changes.
quote: Are you simply uninformed or are you being deliberately obtuse. Gradualism is excellently supported in multiple biological fields. What is not supported is special creation. One need look no further than the embarassingly small-for all intents and purposes- peer reviewed documentation put out by the ID community.
quote: Would you call photoreceptive cells on simple organisms, depth perceptive light awareness in mollusks, and other such simple forms of vision that follow the evidenciary chain of evolution anything other than building blocks to more advanced forms of eyes? I am beginning to suspect you are making an attempt to be deliberately ignorant. Your argument may have worked one hundred years ago. But fortunately, science grows and learns as opposed to falling back on the lazy person's cop-out of "goddidit".
quote: Early eyes, which still exist in some creatures, were no more than photoreceptive cells. With our own degree of visual involvement that mus seem useless to you. But to a simple organism it is all that is needed to kickstart circadian cycles or even find an adequate foodsource. From there it slowly becomes more complicated. A little here, a little there. Our own eyes are not much more than useful combinations of those photoreceptive cells. We have cells to detect color, cells to detect light amputure. Two eyes proved beneficial for depth perception and thus remained in the varying species. I myself find it slightly ironic that the best example off design that IDists can come up with is an organ which is in some way faulty in nearly half the creatures possessing it. Too bad the intelligent designer did not think to design bifocals early on. We had to wait for Franklin to get them
quote: Of course it is, we being reasonable people have a hard time understanding how people such as yourself can piss away that reason which has brought us medicine, transportation, and communication.
quote: There is nothing reasonable about it. Falling back on a magick sky pixie because you do not wish to accept the evidence is as far from reason as one can get. Perhaps I should take my disputes with gravitational theory and just claim gravity does not exist. We are all held to the ground by an intelligent faller.
quote: Plugging one's ears and proclaiming, "not listening" loudly does not make it any less so. You can claim there is no evidence till blue in the face. All it shows is you really have no idea what you are talking about.
quote: Alright, find us an alternative supported with evidence and I am sure every last person here will be more than happy to hear it.
quote: We do not make it look stupid. It *is* stupid. How anyone can still hold to ID when Behe admitted under oath that astrology would have to be a science for ID to be science is beyond me.
quote: These same people were also alchemists who thought they could transform lead to gold and through simple acid/base extraction techniques could become immortal. Medicine was founded by men who believed the starts effected chemicals in your blood and that the kidneys were the seat of intelligence. The difference between them and you is they were willing to grow and accept new information as opposed to holding onto an idea simply because a great mind before them had it.
quote: I don't know. I guess only doctors, environmentalists, engineers, computer scientists, and pretty much anyone else with a vested interest in the future of our animal and our planet.
quote: You mean without our brains as that is the only way anyone can accept ID. Edited by faust, : Fixing stupidity error I made.
bluegenes Member (Idle past 2644 days) Posts: 3119 From: U.K. Joined: |
faust writes: Morton's Toe, which is having one's second toe be larger than the hallux, was present in less than 5% of caucasians during the 1950's. It is now over double that and within some caucasian populations as much as five times that. And this is just one genetic trait over the course of half a decade. Presumably you meant half a century there, or let's say two generations. For a characteristic to double in a population group over two generations would require the reproductive rate of those individuals with it to be significantly higher than those without it, surely. Something like three kids for those with it to two for those without. Either that or a massively higher youth mortality rate amongst those without compared to those with. I don't doubt that such characteristics are constantly increasing and decreasing in population groups, I just find the rate of change you're describing impossible to explain. Especially as caucasians have had very low infant mortality rates during the period, and toe size wouldn't seem to effect fertility, or to be a major factor in sexual selection! So this seems like impossibly rapid genetic drift. I suspect that the 1950's surveys must've been inexact. As this is off topic, I'll answer the O.P. question.
quote: That's an easy "yes", with the added comment that it's very poorly disguised. I.D. is about an interventionist designer, rather than a God who merely creates the universe and lets things roll, so it's not only religion, but very much in the creationist tradition.
nator Member (Idle past 2337 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: How about you explain to me how that photo can be "interpreted" to reflect somone's preconceptions? Either the DNA markers match or they don't, right? Do you accept that DNA paternity tests are accurate?
RAZD Member (Idle past 1572 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
I don't know that there's a contradiction but if there is -what specifically is the contradiction? One can be a YEC and an ID proponent at the same time. Only if you corrupt ID to compromise it to fit YEC. Possibly you don't see this because you are comparing your corrupted version of ID to YEC and not considering the pure ID approach. For pure ID: the earth is 4.55 billion years old, that is what the evidence of objective reality shows. For YEC: the earth is 6,000 years old (and evidence doesn't matter). There is no way to reconcile these views without corrupting one.
I disagree. The individual's specific religious beliefs are not needed or wanted in science, the science behind intelligent design is what is important in ID. You can't have it both ways. If they are truly independent, then your previous statement that "One can be a YEC and an ID proponent at the same time" is false. This is the basic contradiction. In order to fully commit to this independence you have to be willing to accept evidence based on science that invalidates YEC concepts but that have no impact on ID. Like the age of the earth. If you don't make this commitment then you are corrupting ID to conform to YEC. Enjoy. we are limited in our ability to understand by our ability to understand RebelAAmericanOZen[Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share.
Granny Magda Member (Idle past 205 days) Posts: 2462 From: UK Joined: |
Here's where you get to the point, Beretta;
Beretta writes: those that don't like the idea of there being a God can opt for the material and those that know God can continue to believe in the light of supporting scientific evidence. Where's the threat? So ID is science and it belongs in science class, but you clearly think that opinions will divide along solely religious grounds. The atheists will believe in a material universe, and the religious crowd will believe ID. So by your own admission, ID is religious.You seem to have misunderstood what ID is for. There is no point in you supporting ID, when you openly admit that you are an out-and-out creationist. The whole point of ID is to keep the bible stuff quiet, so creationism can be smuggled into science class. You have once again proved that ID is religious, and thus has no place in schools. Mutate and Survive
RAZD Member (Idle past 1572 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
So when we can cross human DNA with the DNA of bacteria and have bacteria produce proteins\etc. that can be transfered back into humans without autoimmune rejection symptoms (ie - it is human), this proves that bacteria and humans are the same kind?
No perhaps it proves a common intelligent creator In other words you were not being honest when you said (Message 104):
So, does that mean that my housecats and Siberian Tigers are not the same kind?
Well can you, with human intervention, cross them? Lets face it, their disparate sizes size will be the limiting factor in the wild.Well again, do the experiment. The experiment has been done: we have, with human intervention, crossed humans with bacteria, mice, pigs and cows, just to name a few. The products are fully formed living organisms too. By your previous argument this makes us all the same kind. Or you are not being honest (with us, with yourself, doesn't matter). Enjoy. we are limited in our ability to understand by our ability to understand RebelAAmericanOZen[Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share.
bluescat48 Member (Idle past 4357 days) Posts: 2347 From: United States Joined: |
A lot of them still believe in the vapor canopy And some believe in the other 2 I stated,too. There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other
Beretta Member (Idle past 5764 days) Posts: 422 From: South Africa Joined: |
What does it take to bring you guys out of the dark ages Actually Darwinism is what really belongs to the dark ages -it's old, it's tired and it does not line up with reality.New paradigm coming up -you are going to have to throw off the 150 year-old shackles or be left behind.
Rrhain Member (Idle past 174 days) Posts: 6351 From: San Diego, CA, USA Joined: |
Beretta writes:
quote: You've been saying that for the past 150 years and you have yet to come up with this "new paradigm." Where is it? Where's the evidence? Again, let's try it this way: Every year, we'll do a survey of the biological journals to see how many articles are written in support of evolution and how many are written in support of ID. We'll split our teaching time between the two so that if 70% support evolution and 30% ID, then we'll spend 70% of our time on evolution when discussing the diversification of life and the other 30% on ID. Is that good? Would that be "fair"? Would that "acknowledge the controversy"? So where are the journal articles supporting ID? We can't find any. Are you about to say that the peer review process is biased? But you just said that the "new paradigm is coming up," so that must mean you actually have the evidence and that it has made it past peer review. It can't be both. Where is it? Where is your evidence? We've been waiting for over 150 years. When are you going to show it? It's time to put up or shut up. Rrhain Thank you for your submission to Science. Your paper was reviewed by a jury of seventh graders so that they could look for balance and to allow them to make up their own minds. We are sorry to say that they found your paper "bogus," specifically describing the section on the laboratory work "boring." We regret that we will be unable to publish your work at this time.
bluegenes Member (Idle past 2644 days) Posts: 3119 From: U.K. Joined: |
Beretta writes: Actually Darwinism is what really belongs to the dark ages -it's old, it's tired and it does not line up with reality.New paradigm coming up -you are going to have to throw off the 150 year-old shackles or be left behind. Actually, it's the other way around. The William Paley expression of I.D., set out in 1802, was widely accepted at the time, and the majority of European scientists and philosophers of that time could be regarded as "I.D.ers" of one kind or another. The young Darwin, before he started to observe life forms closely, thought that Paley's comparison of organisms to a designed watch made sense. Ever since Darwin and Wallace, the drift has been going the other way, and the modern American I.D. movement represents the final rump of (invariably superstitious) conservative scientists who are clinging rather desperately to an old idea that once prevailed. Like those who cling to the steady state theory of the universe, and the recently extinct minority of geologists who insisted that continents do not move laterally, their views don't fit the evidence at all. The I.D. people are of more interest to psychologists than anyone else, as illustrations of the disabling effect that religion can have on the human mind.
Granny Magda Member (Idle past 205 days) Posts: 2462 From: UK Joined: |
If you are so convinced that Darwinism "does not line up with reality" then why don't you head back on over to RAZD's lovely Dogs will be Dogs will be... thread. You have ample opportunity to demonstrate there, how the evolutionary model doesn't fit the facts. Take a look at the evidence presented there and tell us all how it demonstrates that evolution is false. If you are unable to do this, then why not stop making unsubstantiated claims as though they were fact? As long as you keep refusing to engage with the evidence, you will be the one wearing "mind-forg'd manacles" my friend. Mutate and Survive
Percy Member Posts: 22812 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.5 |
Beretta writes: Actually Darwinism is what really belongs to the dark ages -it's old, it's tired and it does not line up with reality. New paradigm coming up -you are going to have to throw off the 150 year-old shackles or be left behind. Others have already pointed out the fallacies in this statement, so I'll just add that this doesn't address the topic. The premise of this thread is that ID is just another fundamentalist attempt to portray inherently religious concepts as scientific in order to counter evolution's perceived threat to faith. There's only one way ID can prove this premise wrong, and that's by actually doing science. The best way would be to outdo science by producing results that depend upon ID and are superior to existing science. Scientists are convinced by results, not by political efforts aimed at school boards, legislatures and scientifically naive laypeople. --Percy
FliesOnly Member (Idle past 4312 days) Posts: 797 From: Michigan Joined: |
Hey, look...Beretta...before you get all excited about this new paradigm shift, what say you first provide us with that pesky, hard to find hypothesis you so conveniently keep forgetting about. I mean, hell bells, if I'm gonna have to start tossing out all these wonderful science books I have, I'd at least like to first see what must surely be the mother of all hypotheses!
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