i agree.
it seems to be a big problem in this thread that people can't seem to separate creationism from christianity or judaism. if you're discussing specific creation, that's very separate from the rest of the stupid book. and creationism isn't a moral system. it's a tale about how everything came to be and that's all.
one can assume from the story that humans are special and that they all have souls and their deaths should only come when there is no other option (violent or health-wise).
the story of cain is not part of creationism. neither is the exodus, or the story of lot, or of benjamin, or of any other story in the book. it's only about the contents of "in the beginning" to the creation of man (or the creation of the garden, depending on which chapter you're reading). period. once he starts talking about trees and promises and snakes, it's a different story.
Edited by brennakimi, : No reason given.
i'm not going to capitalize my posts, get better eyes.