Please, seriously, stop it. What you are doing is extroadinarily frustrating, and leaves me with zero interest in discussing with you. Feel free to be an annoyance, but I simply won't respond to you.
You are fundamentally and willfully breaking the implicit agreement that people make, to attempt to understand each other and work together to establish communication. That is sophistry. That is annoying. That pisses me off.
I *WAS* happy to tell you my thoughts, but not because I wanted to argue or convince you, simply to inform you of my internal state. I told you, I hate philosophy. I have no interest in discussing the philosophy of my position in order to determine "right/wrong" or "correct/incorrect". I only had interest in letting you ask questions to facilitate making your own decisions about yourself.
Fortunately for me (in your eyes), I am no longer happy to discuss anything with you. You lose, go away.
Seriously, please don't reply to this message. Show me at least that amount of respect.