A magician performing before an audience of evolutionists produces two royal flushes in a row. The crowd stands to its feet in applause proclaiming, Look improbable events happen all the time. A single statistician, knowing the probability of pulling a royal flush is (649,350 : 1) and twice is (421,655,422,500 : 1) stands to his feet and yells fraud. The statistician is immediately ejected from the assembly as being closed minded to the possibility of very real magic.
There is a man who won the lottery 7 times duno about American odds at winning the lottery but ours are 1:15380937 my guess is yours are worse because we only have a population of 2 million people. But lets say this man Richard Lustig played with our odds.
the chance of him gettin 7 grand prizes would be using your creationist math would be
1: 203.647.720.442.724.
Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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