The reason I'm having trouble getting my mind around this one is because I can't see how "motion" can exist as an independent quality on its own. Isn't the very concept defined by the relative proximity and position of multiple bodies? It seems to me that for "The Earth is moving" to make any sense it must have something to be moving relative to
If we are on the surface of earth aboard a train travelling at 60 mph we can use the train as a fixed reference point and state that the earth is moving
relative to our reference point on board.
At the same time, I also have trouble accepting the idea that motion is some kind of indecisive quality that can (at least in principle) be switched on and off, dependent on the number of objects in the universe
It is not indecisive but relative to the reference frame.
Let's say that the one object is now a spaceship and I fire the engines. Am I moving? Is there any way that I could know if I was? There's nothing else out there for me to compare myself to but does this really mean that I'm not moving, or simply that there's no way for me to know that I'm moving?
Well the problem here is that you will not have a reference frame to establish that you are moving however if in doing experiments aboard the spacecraft you had determined that in all your trials that an object moves in reaction to an opposite force then you could tentitively consider motion on your part also due to the thrust of the engine.You could not verify that though.It would go a long way to explaining also why you experience the need to react to the acceleration by bracing your legs against it.
find it hard to believe that "motion" would cease to exist in this way because it seems to me that there would then be other problems. For example, could a tidally locked system like Pluto and Charon exist on their own, without falling into each other?
They would each orbit about the barycenter of their gravitaional system.
Now do the bodies stay separated from each other or do they fall together? My thinking is that they would stay apart, just as they do in this universe but the question is why? How can they be said to be orbiting each other, in a universe where there is no other point of reference?
One would orbit the other in reference to the other one.
This message has been edited by sidelined, 07-24-2004 03:46 PM