Welcome to EvC, CatholicBioTeacher! I found an interesting
which adds a bit of fuel to this debate. What do you think of it?
(From the Link
Concerning the weak nuclear force:
If significantly stronger: fusion at the big bang would have proceeded directly to iron, giving us a star-free universe.
If significantly weaker: an all-helium universe would result.
Concerning the strong nuclear force:
If 2 percent stronger: this would prevent the formation of protons.
If 1 percent stronger: all carbon would have been turned into oxygen.
If 1 percent weaker: no carbon would have been formed from beryllium.
Concerning electromagnetism:
if slightly stronger: all red stars, no supernovae
if slightly weaker: all fast-burning blue dwarves
Edited by Phat, : added features for your viewing pleasure