Why then do text books teach the big bang as the beginning of the universe?
big bang ≠ evolution. no matter what kent hovind told you.
"evolution" is the variation of heritable features in a population from one generation to the next.
"the theory of evolution" or colloqually "Evolution" with a capital e is the study of how that above fact has affected the history of the development of life on this planet.
neither of these is related to the big bang. the theory of evolution is
marginally related to abiogenesis, or the origin of life. but that is a separate field. astronomy and cosmology is even further removed.
it is not a "catch-all" mythology designed to explain everything without a need for god.
Because if they do not they must accept God did it and the Bible already tells how God and they dont like how he did it so they have to come up with something to fill the gap.
unfortunately, the bible is not a science textbook.
This is why many Christians can be discredited. They compromised on their beliefs and threw out the first several chapters of their Bibles.
you've thrown out several chapters of your bible. if you'd like, in the appropriate forum, we can discuss which parts you ignore.
If the beginning of the Bible is not true then the whole thing is unbelievable.
all-or-nothing fundamentalism is a dangerous thing, petvet. it costs many people their faith.
Edited by arachnophilia, : typo