1. Time is the medium by which things occur.
4. Change is an event in time.
These are essentially the same premise.
P2 = 2. Things that exist within time have time and things that have time exist within time.
This is a double premise.
I will now logically deduct the following:
Except you don't.
Usually a deduction is shown by:
P1 = Premise A
P2 = Premise B
C = Therefore C
As an example:
P1 = All things that exist within time have time
P2 = All things that have time exist within time.
C1 = Therefore all things that do not exist in time do not have time.
C2 = and all things that do not have time do not exist in time.
(C1 and C2 form a mutually exclusive set of {in\with} and {out\without})
P1 = All things that do not exist in time do not have time (C1 above).
P2 = Anything that does not have time is static (= does not change).
C3 = Therefore all things that do not exist in time are static.
P1 = Any God that created time cannot exist in time
P2 = All things that do not exist in time are static (C3 above).
C4 = Therefore God is static (does not change).
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