Typical evolutionist talk IM smart your not so you cant understand why I'M right that's great.
Suaverider, no one said that. What is true is that some people know more than you do. That doesn't mean smarter just more knowlegable. That is to be expected since they have spent years studying the area.
Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a lot of knowledge to be able to understand the details. I can't keep up with all the Eta is saying cause he is the expert. I do know enough physics (I have a BSc in it) to understand parts of what he is saying.
Suave, you have been lied to. You have posted (perhaps reworded when you typed it) stuff that is not your own thinking. You actually do not understand what is being said. The source you used has had a chance to correct those things which they have posted. The fact that they have not makes them liars.
Eta, is being good enough to go over this material and, within the time constraints he has, try to help you to see how bad it is.
If you choose to ignore this opportunity to learn then you are demonstarting that you have some deficiencies. Let's see if you can step up to the plate.
You were warned earlier about taking on this subject. After my four years of math and physics there are big areas that I can't totally wrap my head around. That is why I like reading sources where experts argue it out. It helps me get an idea of how solidly based the ideas are.
It will come down, for some parts of this, to believing what you are told. You will have to pick who to believe. I'm sorry that it is hard for you to do. If you want help in figuring out how to pick we can discuss that in another thread.
A lot of this material is rather mind-boggling indeed. That doesn't make it wrong. I've forgotten again who said "The universe is not only queerer than we imagine, it is queerer than we can imagine."