I don't know where to put this one. My first instincts were "Faith and Belief", but that too doesn't seem quite right.
This is not the same as the situation with Uzzah in 1 Chron. 13:10, since Uzzah, though he meant well, did something directly in violation of one of God's ordinances.
If the above quoted is intended to be the real focus of the topic, I think you need to elaborate on it more. Please edit your message 1.
Also, I think we need something better than the "does this disprove God's existence" in the topic title. Pesonally, I don't think anything can disprove God's existence, although the situation might indicate something about God's activity or lack of activity. Anyhow, the topic title can also be edited via editing message 1.
In all, I would prefer one of the more theologically inclined admins (AdminChristian, AdminBuz, AdminPD, or AdminJar) step in on handling this one.
Input from any admin certainly welcome.