I know, Pamboli doesn't see it, but in truth he does and rather DENIES seeing it in a continuing fabrication of so-so storytelling...
It is good to see we finally have a psychic on the board - this should help us understand the thought processes of others a little better. It is probably a deficiency in my logical training, but I do not see, and can't find you demonstrating, that "using as a pawn" is equivalent to "propagating a known falsehood."
Guess Pamboli would agree that everything Johnson says about evolution is, in fact, not a lie at all. And that was my point. Thanks for making it for me!
I can't quite see anyone on claiming that "everything Johnson says about evolution" is a lie. Is there a reason for your hyperbole? I imagine there are many things Johnson says about evolution which are true. I also imagine there are many things he says about evolution which are deeply mistaken. I do not imagine for a minute that he knowingly promulgates falsehood.
Wonder who we get next, AdminPamboli, the playground bully, or "Mister Pamboli", resident dumbazz?
You'll hear from AdminPamboli if you breach forum guidelines. For now, AdminPamboli, is being a little tolerant because he feels you are struggling and he is giving you the benefit of the doubt, as he does for other newbies on this forum.
Mister Pamboli, on the other hand, is puzzled by the phrase "dumbazz" which he has only heard from Inquisitor. He wonders what it could mean? Could it be a breach of rule 3 of the forum? If he thinks so, he'll fire some synaptic complaints to AdminPamboli demanding action.
BTW, Professor Pamboli, you're not as competent in the English language yourself, given that you misspelled "otherwise", supra, after at least one attempt at editing.
Oh, I make lots of spelling mistakes and I am of course open to correction. However, so far as I am aware, a spelling mistake is not a logical miscontruction or an egregiously constructed metaphor: that is to say, it shows no lack of facultative reasoning.
In fact, I'd say your not competent at all to discuss with authority anything scientific unless you can prove you have the proper credentials and education, relevant experience, and published works from which one may conclude otherwise.
I do not believe I have ever discussed a scientific matter in a manner that would claim personal authority on the subject. I cannot quite see how anyone could do so on this forum, as we are not really aware of the identities of other posters. Personally, I am always skeptical of authority, which is why I go to some length to support my lines of argument with quotations from primary soource material wherever possible. Would you have me do otherwise?
Cut and paste, citing other websites, and general paraphrasing of others' ideas is not wholly impressive.
Oh. You
would have me do otherwise. Well, tell you what, Inquisitor, if you ever feel like taking part in the detailed topics on this forum, you can explain to us
your bona fides. Of course, proving them may be a problem, this being the internet.
And the funniest thing about it all is you truly DO NOT SEE how stupid and irrational you sound.
That is why I am so glad we can have these little chats. Your ability to calmly, rationally and lucidly illuminate the logical of others without recourse to insult, fallacy or pretentions to authority are much appreciated.