I would like to propose a new topic for evangelical Christians (who believe that the Bible is mostly literal and that Jesus is alive, was raised from the Dead...is alive today...etc etc.)
In this topic I want to address evangelicals on the board. I am not sure who you all are, but I know some of you. In this topic, I want to be able to speak the way that people speak to each other at church...encouraging, using scripture, and generally going with the theological beliefs of the Pentecostal/Baptist/Assemblies Of God, Non-Denominational sub-culture. (If you know what I mean)
I want this topic to be directed at these particular Christians and would ask that any responses from other forum members be kept to a minimum. You all are invited to watch our discussion, however.
This is a support group/round table discussion on any and all basic issues concerning beliefs, creation/evolution, and the thought process of literalist believers versus the logical people.
Faith/Belief, please