Percy writes:
I was raised Unitarian. I never believed the Bible stories were real, but I did believe they characterized the God of Christianity, that the stories were intended to send a message. The OT does not paint a pretty picture, and the NT interpretation where no one who hasn't accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior can go to heaven, even if they've never heard of him, seems just as severe as the OT, minus the slaughter and genocide and salt pillars and all that.
Firstly I would say that the message that we should take from the Noah story that no matter how bad things get, God doesn't give up on us. The flood story IMHO is a legend that grew up within various cultures around some local flood centuries ago.
I strongly disagree with your take on the NT. Firstly it isn't about going to heaven at all but about heaven coming to earth, or more pointedly, the renewal of all things in this world. We are only given a very broad image of what would be like, with things like no suffering and not being stuck with one dimension in time doing away with entropy.
Most of the things that are taken of people going to hell after death are not about that at all. Jesus was a revolutionist but a non-violent one. His message is that if you keep up with pushing for violent revolution there will a disastrous end and then uses OT hyperbolic imagery to emphasize His message, which would be hell on earth. He even predicted what eventually happened in the war starting in 66 AD roughly 30 years later.
In Canada Trudeau is our Prime Minister. Yes i believe he is, but I don't believe in him. Jesus' message is consistent with my signature. His call is about self ging love. That is what constitutes believing in Jesus. Essentially it's about the heart. What matters isn't what we believe or what we do, but about how we love. We can follow that command whether we are Christian, Islamic, atheist or even Unitarian.
As far as judgement is concerned I don't really concern myself with it as I believe in a God that is consistent with what God asks with us in my signature.
He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8