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Author | Topic: The disconnect between the bible, and its horrific actions versus the message | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Taq, you quoted jar:
"Particularly all the little children and animals that didnothing to deserve death." ***I find it to be hypocritical when one condemns God forkilling while supporting the murder of little babies in their mother's womb. They praise the sick doctor who rips their small arms andlegs off. Babies have been heard to scream in pain. After the fluidgushes out of the womb, sound carries quite well. After all, many of the firstborn Egyptians were grownups. The ones that God killed will one day be brought back inthe 2nd resurrection and offered their opportunity for eternal life.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Taq, you wrote:
"Do you condemn those who perform abortions? If so, why don't you condemn God for the same thing?" ***I ask you the same thing. Since you condemn God for killing, do you also condemnthose who kill babies in their mother's womb. What God takes He can give back. Humans who take lifecannot do so. I trust God. And, I trust His judgements. I do not trust humans to be infallible.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Taq, you, as well as other so-called atheists, spend an ungodly
amount of time speaking of a "Being" that you don't believe in. Romans 1:19-20 states that God's creation is proof of Hisexistence. His existence is so obvious that those who deny Him are without excuse. God does not allow His followers to kill others. He does notallow us to hate others, or to steal from them. He forbids us from harboring animosity towards our fellow humans. The world's problems, and they are many, are not a result ofkeeping God's Holy Laws and Commandments. Do some so-called men of God twist God's laws to fit their ownagendas? Yes, but they do not speak for God. You asked "Were Egyptian parents given their first born back?" No! But God has promised to do so in the 2nd resurrection. Those returned to life in the 2nd resurrection will be resurrectedas flesh and blood, mortal humans. They will then be taught God's laws. They will also have accessto God's Holy Spirit. Once they develop God's character (it will in most instances take years) they will be converted to spirit beings. They will be adopted into the family of God. The Egyptians who God killed do not deserve this great giftfrom God. No one deserves to become members of the God family. It is the greatest gift imaginable. It is the gift of a loving God. The dead Egyptians are unaware of the passage of time. Whenthey are resurrected it will be to them that no time has passed since they died. The Egyptians worshipped many gods. The 10 plaguestargeted 10 of their gods. God showed both the Egyptians and Israelites that their gods were powerless against Him. The magicians, Jannes and Jambres, were able to turn theirstaffs into serpents by the power of Satan. The 10 Egyptian Gods were demons. The showdown with pharaoh has great significance once thepurpose of it is understood.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8
Taq: you stated:
"A religion who thinks people are wrong for not believing asthey do. Shocking!!!" ***Well I'll be; the pot calling the kettle black. Evolutionists onthis board attack those who see evolution as a fairy tale. A ridiculous tale of a frog turning into a prince. Evolutionists believe in a concept that is not supported by facts. *No fossils that support their belief (faith). *No known way to explain the origin of matter. They cannotexplain it by relying on God, or a god, because they would then have to concede that God could have created all life (forms). *No known way for life to have come from non-life (faith). *No thorough concept of how one species evolved intoother species (faith). *Evolutionists believe that that all diversity on earth is theresult of mutations and natural selection. Because of their deep faith in evolution they fail to u/s that mutations are a result of loss of information, not gain. This would be similar to a gambler losing all his money but claiming to have won. *They also fail to u/s that natural selection can only selectfrom what is available. NS cannot select from a gene pool and DNA that is not in it's makeup. *Evolutionists believe that nature is conscious, and that itselects traits that it wants, much like a diner in a smorgasbord. I'll take this, and one of them. *Evolutionists cannot replicate what they believe;therefore, they must have faith that what they BELIEVE in is right. By the same lack of logic, they must also believe that iron has the properties that can preserve blood, veins, collagen, soft tissue, etc for tens of millions of years. Talk about faith. I could go on, and on, and on, but evolutionists would stillhave the ability to believe what the want to believe. You wrote: "Those parents have been dead for thousandsof years. ***Correct, and you will also die. We all die. It does not matterhow long one is dead, the individual will be be resurrected back to physical life. In the resurrection both parent and child will see each other,and both will be given the opportunity for eternal life. Only a loving and generous God would offer this greatest ofopportunity to a mere human. Jeremiah 31:34; 1 Timothy 2:4; and 2 Peter 3:9 are just a few of themany verses that prove loves us all the same. He in not a respecter of persons. He gives everyone who has ever lived the opportunity to become members of the God family, ant to receive eternal life. But we do not all receive our opportunity at the same time. Some receiveit during this present age; some receive it in the Kingdom of God; the remainder receive it in the second resurrection. And don't pretend that you care about children when you haveno problem with 1.3 million of them being killed in America every year.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Paulk, you wrote:
"Don’t forget that Candle3 thinks that a bunch of centenarianNazis are suddenly going to pop up out of hiding and restore the Holy Roman Empire. Which was formally dissolved more than 200 years ago." ***The HRE is not limited in the number of times that it cancome and go. To think so is simplistic. Many in Europe think back on the HRE and the effect it had onthe world. Many of them would like to see it. It gives Europe a sense of destiny, of purpose. It is quite comical when one has no idea who or what theseven headed, Scarlet colored, beast is, nor the harlot who rides the beast, they criticize those who do. The President of Germany, Steinmeier dissolved parliamentto pave way for snap elections on February 23 following the collapse of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's three way coalition. The leader on the seventh head will be a German. And thisindividual will gain the Chancellorship through flatteries, not as a result of an election. The President will appoint him, with the backing of otherprominent politicians. If this does not happen this round, it will happen soon after.There is no doubt that it will happen though. There is one man who fits all that the Bible says of this endtime ruler. Trump and this man would not get along.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8
Paulk, Trump is for Americans. Illegal immigrants (II) are not
Americans. I have no qualm about helping others, but not the way Democrats have been doing it. Illegals have been released from prisons in these countries.They have been rounded up and sent here. They come here and are given cell phones, food vouchers,prepaid credit cards, free schooling and medical. They are housed in expensive hotels and motels. They can commit heinous crimes and they will be releasedback into the public. No one can justify this. It is done for several reasons. One ofwhich is to gather votes for the Democratic candidates. The point is that Trump is for Americans and American interests.Trump will have other nations going along with American interests. The other man will do the same for Germany. There is alreadya division between the U.S. and Germany. 75% of Americans favor a relationship with Germany. But amere 25% of Germans are reciprocal. When Trump pushes them into paying more for NATO, and inraising tariffs to the same level that they put on us, the division will grow To know what is going to happen to countries today it is vitalto know who they are in prophecy.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8
Dwise, you wrote:
"The origin of matter has nothing whatsoever to do with evolution.You may as well refute football by complaining that it fails to explain the origin of matter." ***Sure it does. The fact is that you have no idea about theorigin of matter. You do not get the benefit of ooze in a murky pond in whichlife came about. You must first explain how the material came to be. You must also explain how the law that life cannot come fromnon-life was breached. I know the answers to these questions. Also, Schweitzer did find blood cells and soft tissue in asupposedly 75,000,000 T-Rex fossil. But, she is not the only who has done so. I am not about to list them all; you would only call them liars,or insist that they are mistaken. However, Maidment and Bertazoo found nucleus of red bloodcells and amino acid that make up collagen in 75,000,000 year old fossils of what they believe to be from a triceratops, a duck-billed dino; and, a carnivorous theropod. Curators will not allow pieces to be snapped pieces of of mywhole fossils. Samples that are tested must come from fragmentary pieces of fossils that are in relatively poor conditions. Imagine what they would find in well-preserved fossils. They hoped that the red blood was from a finger cut, but itwas not human. Some now wonder if even dinosaur DNA could be found. Hard-core evolutionists insist the the fossils were somehowcontaminated. Stop wasting your life on this garbage. It's a dead end.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8
Dwise, there are more 100 scientific papers acknowledging
that blood vessels, collagen fibers, C-18, and even intact fragments of DNA have been found in fossils that date back multiple millions of years. These examples are now referred to some as "common."Nature Magazine was the first to use this term. The half life of C-14 is 5730 years. After 50,000 to 60,000years the remaining would be low to detect. Evolutionists claim that leech in contaminants is the sourceof the C-14. If contaminants affect all date testing methods, how can these methods be trusted? A fragmented triceratops horn, found in the Hell Creekformation contained tissue, cells, protein. The horn was found at a depth of one foot. It would have been through Many multiple periods of hot and cold. Samples at the bottom rock layers (500,000,000 years)have been found that contain protein.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Paulk, you wrote:
"No. To think that a particular state can just come back 200years after it was dissolved is simplistic. The component parts have gone their own ways for too long." ***The territory that was in the HRE is still there. The CatholicChurch is still there. Descendants of the citizens of the empire is still there. And what God says about this empire (beast) is still there. Many Europeans can trace their ancestry back hundreds ofyears. I know of a German count who traced his heritage back to the 1100. You wrote: "Funny you make him sound exactly like the kindif guy Trump would get on with - like Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong-un." ***Jung-un and Putin started no wars while Trump was inoffice. And Trump never ran off and deserved our soldiers; personnel of four allies, and nearly 100 billion dollars of Sophisticated weaponry in Afghanistan. You wrote: "sure you know. It’s not more of the nonsense that yoursilly cult puts out like the English being Israelites or 110-year-old Nazis suddenly coming back and taking over. Really how can anyone believe that rot? ***You have no idea who Israel is. You think that all are Jews.You ignore so much scripture in order to believe this. Moses describes the blessings God gave each tribe inDeuteronomy 33. They are all living separately. Notice what Moses promised Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) in verses 13-17. Also notice what Jacob says about his son's and theirrespected tribes in Genesis 49. Judah (the Jews) are in verses 9-12. The Jews receive a promise that the Messiah would come through them, which He did. Verses 22-26 lists the blessings of Joseph (Ephraim andManasseh). Reuben (much of France) was the firstborn, but he slept with his father's concubine, so the blessings were given to Joseph's two sons France has had some power through the years, but they werenever the strongest nation. Jacob (Israel) in Genesis 48 bestows the material blessingson Ephraim and Manasseh. But, even more than that, he bestows his very name (his namewas Israel) on them(v. 16). One was to become a company of nations; the other to become a single great nation. The birthright blessings were withheld from them for 2500years because of the sins. Not going into that here. In 2 Kings 16:1-6 (KJV) the first place where the word Jew isused they are fighting a battle against Israel.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Dwise, stop acting like a wild man; you are running off at the
mouth because I am not buying the lies of evolutionists. If you honestly believe this propaganda crap that you spew,then you are indeed very gullible. Personally, I don't think that you believe it. You just do notwish to accept the alternative.
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