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Author | Topic: The Historical Jesus: Did He Create the Universe? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
ICANT, you quoted Isaiah 45:7. It reads:
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, andcreate evil: I the LORD do all these things." ***You go on to say that God created evil. Also, you statethat God created Satan as being fully evil. Evil is from the. Hebrew word "Rah. And as the case withmany Hebrew words, Rah has a wide range of meanings, depending on the context. Rah can be translated as evil or wicked. But it can also betranslated as adversity, affliction, bad (bad times), distress, Calamity, etc.... In fact "rah" is translated other than evil or wicked morethan 75 times. The translators of the KJV mistakingly rendered rah as evilwhen calamity or bad times would have been much more appropriate in 45:7. Parallelism would best be rendered as: I form the light,and create the darkness. Light vs dark. I make peace, and create evil is not Parallelism.I make peace, and I create calamity. Or, I make good times and bad times. The NIV renders this verse as "I form the light, and createdarkness; I bring prosperity, and create disaster The NLT renders it as: "I am the one who creates the light,and makes the darkness; I am the one who sends good times and bad times. God directs judgements, disappointments, trials, andcalamities. Isaiah 45:7 does not prove God is the author of moralevil, or sin. To suggest that He is goes against the character of a just and Holy God. Ezekiel 28 states that Satan was perfect in all His waysTILL iniquity was found in him. Satan was on the mercy seat of God. Satan, by virtue of his pride, became vain. False pride iswhat turned him against God. Angels, like humans, were created with free will. Satandid this to himself.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Phat, in Genesis 1:31 God states that everything He had
created was "very good." The tree is never called evil. The Bible states that it isthe knowledge of good and evil. God gave Adam two commands that we know of. One wasthat Adam was to tend and keep the garden. Adam was required to work the garden, and to keep it from deteriorating. The other was that they must not eat from the tree ofknowledge of good and evil. The tree was pleasant to the eye, and it's fruit must havebeen appealing. The animals were allowed to eat from any tree in thegarden. Only Adam and Eve were forbidden to eats its fruit. Adam and Eve had two choices concerning the tree. Theycould obey God and not eat for the tree, or they could disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit. God tells us what is right, but He allows us the freedomto determine what we will do. After eating the forbidden fruit, the two knew that theyhad disobeyed God. They had committed sin. They instantly knew that what they had done was evil.This awareness caused them to hide from God. Disobedience to God is Satan's way. And Adam and Evehad rejected God's clear command to not eat from it. God did not trick them, nor did He stack the deckagainst them. He gave them a plainly stated order not to do a certain thing. The truth is that the tree was not of itself evil. It did notcontribute to man's sinfulness. It merely provided him with an opportunity to obey or disobey.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
ICANT, you stated:
"It does not. That statement was made in the lamentationto the King of Tyre the devil is mentioned nowhere in that text. Quit reading things into the Bible you aren't supposed to add to it. " ***Nor is anyone supposed to take away from it. The prince of Tyre was a man. However, the king of Tyrewas Satan. Mortal man has ever been called a cherub, especiallyone who covers, as on the mercy seat. Never was there a man, other than Adam, who ewas in theGarden of Eden. This cherub was created. All angels were created beings.And Adam and Eve were the only humans who were created. All other humans were born. Ezekiel 28 make it very clear that the king of Tyre wasSatan. The prince of Tyre served him.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
ICANT, you stated:
"According to the Hebrew Lexicon it means evil and out of663 times used in the Bible was translated evil 442 times all other words it was translated as are adjectives. Since it is a noun evil is the only definition possible in Isaiah 45:7." ***I know how many times that "ra" was translated asevil. Anyone with a Lexicon can easily find this info. Distress, adversity, bad (sorry, my bad), trouble, mischief,affliction, calamity, misery, sorrow, and several other words translated from ra are also nouns. God does not create evil. It is against His righteous character. The opposite of light is darkness.The opposite of peace is not evil. The opposite of good is evil. I form the light, and create darkness;I make peace, and create adversity, affliction, distress, calamity (are all good translations. But not evil). In Psalms 94:13 ra is used twice. "That you may give him rest from the days of adversity (ra),Until the pit is dug for the wicked (ra). The same is true in Genesis 31:29 "It is in my power to doyou harm (ra), but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, 'Be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good or bad' (ra). Evil in 45:7 is our of context for ra to be translated as evil.And, it us also not in God's character. You should give God more credit than you do.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
ICANT, you stated:
"Where does the Bible say the King of Tyre was the devil?" ***Who do you think he was talking about?​
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
ICANT, you wrote:
"Isaiah did not know anything about English, French,German or any language other than Hebrew and that is what he used to write . If you want to understand what he is saying you need to learn the language and think like he did." ***We know the various meanings of ra. We also know thatIsaiah wrote shalown and ra. Nobody is disputing this. And no one is disputing that the translators correctlyrendered shalown as peace. But to render ra as evil in this verse makes no sense in either parallelism, or in regards to God's devine and righteous nature. Satan was created without fault. However, he gave allangels free will. False pride and jealousy were the driving forces behind Satan's fall. ​
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8
ICANT, you wrote:
If angels have freewill give me a scripture where theywere ordered to do something and they did not do it or where they were ordered not to do something and they did it anyway. That includes the devil. ***Jude 6: "And the angels who did not keep their properdomain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgement of the great day." The fallen angels disobeyed God by not remaining whereGod placed them. They did not do what He ordered them to do. 2 Peter 2:4 "For if God did not spare the angels whosinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgement." Sin is the transgression of God laws. They disobeyedHim. If they had been created as evil beings, without free will,then they did not do anything other than what they were programmed to do. Without free will, they would be no different than a wildanimal. And animals are incapable of sinning. God does not reserve animals in chains of darknessawaiting the day of judgement.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8
ICANT, in reply to my post asking who you thought Ezekiel
was talking about in Ezekiel 28, you wrote: "The king of Tyre." *** The truth is that you know that Ezekiel was talkingabout Satan. But you will not admit this. It does not fit your narrative. The king of Tyre was the anointed cherub who covers. Just the simple fact that the king of Tyre was a cherubrules out even the slightest possibility that he was a mortal man. The king of Tyre was created, not born. Adam and Evewere the only humans ever created. All angels were created. The king of Tyre was in the Garden of Eden. Other thanGod, Genesis records than only Adan. Eve, and the serpent were in the Garden of Eden. Revelation 12:9 identifies the serpent as Satan the Devil,as does Revelation 20:2. The Great Dragon, serpent, Satan, and the Devil are allone and the same. The king of Tyre, who was Satan, was perfect in all Hisways from the day he was created, TILL iniquity wad found in him. The king of Tyre (Satan) was cast to the ground. Jesus stated in Luke 10:18 that He saw Satan fall fromheaven. He was cast back down.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
ICANT, you stated:
But He gave them no law, so how did they break any law? ***The Apostle John describes sin as the transgression(violation) of God's laws. Where there are no laws, there can be no violation. For example, if a highway has no speed limit, there isno violation for driving at 100 mph. However, if a highway has a speed limit set at no morethan 60 mph, and one is driving at 100 mph, then that driver is breaking the law. The same goes with God. Where there is no law, thereis no sin; thereby, no sinner. Peter, in 2 Peter 2:4, states without the slightest hint ofambiguity that some angels sinned. If the angels had no law, they could not be charged withlawbreaking. ONLY someone who breaks God's laws can be a sinner. This should be so easy for you to understand. But, yousimply refuse to do so.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8
Phat, you wrote:
It seems that what you are suggesting is that there wasno Law between God and the Angels. ***I never said this. Angels are bound by the laws ofGod. ICANT wanted me to show him what specific laws of Godthat the angels disobeyed. He is the one who asserts that the angels cannot sin because they do not have free will. Not to covet is one of the 10 Commandments. Satan broke this Commandment. He wanted what Godhad. He wanted to be like Him. He was jealous. God is the Creator of the angels, so He is the closestThing they have to an actual Father. Those who rebelled against Him, did not honor Him. There was as much law between the angels and Godas there is between humans and God. God's laws are universal.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Phat, here are the boasts made by Satan in Isaiah 14.
Vs. 13 "I will ascent into heaven, I will exalt my throne(he has a throne) above the stars of God (he was going to be above Michael and all of them); I will also sit on the mount of the congregation, on the farthest sides of the north;" 14. "I will ascend above the the heights of the clouds, Iwill be like the Most High." Satan coveted what God Almighty had. He greatlydesired it. He was full of pride and greed. Satan must have some awesome powers in order to thinkthat he could war against God and win. By the multitude of his merchandise (Ezekiel 28:16) Satanwas able to convince a third of God's angels to follow him. It seems insane to those of us who understand thatGod is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient that the angels would fight against Him. In any event, I feel certain that they knew God couldread their minds, and that they could not hide their thoughts from Him. Perhaps this is why they went on the offensive. Theycould have wished to strike first. I don't know. The point is that Satan did covet what God had. He alsowanted to take it by force, to steal it. He is father of lies. And, he broke all God'sCommandments, with the possible exception of #4. Angels are not allowed to defy God's laws, no more thanwe are. I agree with you in that there are many who take theirdoctrines and opinions from books other than the Bible. Books are a good thing, and they can help with info thatone might not otherwise find. But, if they contradict the Bible, they must be dismissed.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
CANT, you stated:
Mankind is the only living life form that can disobey God. ***Prove it.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
dwise, you wrote:
Mormons are Christians! Just because it's not YOURJesus does not give you authority to deny that fact. ***You claim to be descended (and proud of it) fromchimpanzee type ancestors. Do you still resemble one? It is not fitting for you to try and talk down to those of uswho are far above the caveman mentality of evolution. ICANT worships God. You worship amoeba. You need to show some respect to the Creator. You drinkHis water and breathe His oxygen; yet, you refuse to show Him any appreciation. Such arrogant entitlement!!!
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
dwise, you wrote:
That's really rich coming from a creationist who deniesthe Creation and tried to disprove it, hence denying the Creator in favor of your false creationist theology. ***I, more so than anyone else on this board, havedefended God's creation. I do not try to place man's interpretations of creation overwhat the Bible clearly tells me. There is a purpose in everything that God does. In orderfor God to have created the universe, He, by necessity, possessed an all knowing mind, with unlimited knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc... There is no known way that nature (a natural process)could have created the universe and all that it contains.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Ravine, you wrote:
Because faith is definitionally unjustified belief. It isconfidence that a belief reflects a true fact about reality, without justification for that confidence through evidence. ***We are not talking about mere belief, nor are wetalking about faith that God exists. James 2:19 "You believe that there is one God. You dowell. Even the demons believe-and tremble." Many falsely assume that just believing that God exists isenough. Many are even baptized, believing that this is all that is required of them. This is not the kind of faith that God requires of Hisdisciples. It is much, much deeper than this. Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to pleaseHim, for he who comes to God must belive that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Diligently here means to fully investigate; to seek out; toearnestly crave; and, to demand proof. To believe that God exists is only the starting point. Wemust also believe what He says, and what He promises us. To have faith as it is defined in the Bible we must goesmuch deeper than what one has never experienced it can understand. It is a life-changing certainty. It both allows and requiresus to repent of our way of life, and to allow the Holy Spirit of God to create within us a new creature. Now only can we have faith, but we must have it if weare to truly know God. When one says that the deep life-changing faith wehave is simply an illusion they are speaking from ignorance. I do not mean this in a condescending way, merely that they have no experience in this matter. It would be comparable to me telling a surgeon how toperform open-heart surgery.
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