I have a pamphlet called Creation or Evolution? written by a fellow named Winkie Pratney. The tract is published by Last Days Ministries in Lindale, Texas and Pratney is described as a well-known evangelist, author, festival and conference speaker. No scientific credentials are given even though Pratney considers most of modern biology, geology, and astronomy to be in error.
Some other aspects to be taken into account: how broad a field does the creationists pretends to be an expert.
While real scientists study one science - heck even a small part of an entire science, creationists don't hesitate to portray themselves as experts in everything. A real scientists start with studying - let us say biology. But specializes in let us say molecular biology. Which is subdivided into protein chemistry, molecular genetics, biochemistry, cytology and so on.
Kent Hovind - as a real life example - pretends to be able to correct biologists, nuclerar physicists (nuclear synthesis doesn't happen!), geologists, astronomers, palaeontologists, archaeologists and so on. All at once! The broader a creationist goes, the more red flags need to go up.
This is an application of one of the points made in the OP: the downgrading of sciences. We have in real life accumulated a massive amount of knowledge. To creat the illusion that one man can master all the sciences, even to the level of out-knowledging all experts in all fields, is creating the illusion that the different sciences haven't bee resaerching a lot. That it is all easy.
Edited by driewerf, .