Currency used to be based on a bedrock value.
For millennia all over the world most societies relied on gold as their medium of exchange and the only store of value most would trust. Economies were small and there was (usually) plenty of gold around to handle the disruptions and expansions.
That changed when liquidity issues in larger and growing economies could not be serviced with gold. As much as there is there’s just not enough of it. Gold is not so fungible an asset in a digital age.
Gold is a wonderful emotional commodity popular society still cherishes and hoards. But to base an economy as large as the USofA on a nonfungible commodity cannot but spell economic disaster in the very short term and, physically, cannot be done in this economy. There aren’t enough resources available to make the change over. If your currency is to be based on gold you kinda have to have the gold. There isn't enough.
This is no mere macro-cycle we are in. We are at the beginning of the end of the life we now know.
As for our future? Mother Nature will determine how sever our punishments will be regardless of what we do with our commodities or economies.
Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!