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Author Topic:   The Changing World Order
Posts: 6490
From: Geneva, Illinois
Joined: 08-08-2005

Message 90 of 302 (903178)
12-05-2022 8:33 PM
Reply to: Message 87 by Phat
12-05-2022 6:27 PM

This is what is concerning about a digital dollar. If every single transaction ever made could be tracked, you would be hounded by regulations beyond what is necessary.
If you carry a cell phone, you are being tracked. If you use a computer, you are being tracked. Get used to it.
As an example, say I wanted to trade my car for a better one and my neighbor agreed to swap cars if I gave him cash. Under the old system, the exchange would be private.
As far as I know, you cannot register a car without saying how you acquired it.
Or take casinos. It used to be that if a guy won a jackpot, he would not trigger a mandatory tax form under a certain amount (I believe the amount was $1000.00)
So this really is all about you wanting to cheat on taxes.

Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity

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Posts: 6490
From: Geneva, Illinois
Joined: 08-08-2005

Message 101 of 302 (903233)
12-06-2022 2:58 PM
Reply to: Message 100 by Phat
12-06-2022 2:36 PM

Liberals by and large want to redistribute. Conservatives want to maintain.
Nonsense. Conservatives want to redistribute upwards (toward the rich). And they have been doing a lot of that.

Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity

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 Message 100 by Phat, posted 12-06-2022 2:36 PM Phat has not replied

Posts: 6490
From: Geneva, Illinois
Joined: 08-08-2005

Message 116 of 302 (903304)
12-08-2022 11:17 AM
Reply to: Message 115 by Phat
12-08-2022 6:35 AM

Re: A Brief Rabbit Trail starring FDR and the Dems
Several things to note:
  • FDR was a Democrat.
  • Gerald Ford was a Republican.
    Note the interplay between national interest and private property rights.
  • And I call bullshit on that.
    FDR was dealing with the great depression. Ford acted in a time of prosperity.
    Why is it that you don't credit FDR with bringing us that prosperity?

    Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity

    This message is a reply to:
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    Posts: 6490
    From: Geneva, Illinois
    Joined: 08-08-2005

    Message 200 of 302 (904030)
    12-20-2022 12:35 PM
    Reply to: Message 196 by Phat
    12-20-2022 10:54 AM

    Re: Take Me To Your Liter
    I don't know nor care that much about Hunter Biden, though my Trumpian Conservative friend insists it's a big deal.
    As best I can tell, the Hunter Biden story is mostly a diversion so that people won't notice the many crimes that Trump has committed. Maybe Hunter Biden did something wrong, but there is so much hype that it is hard to tell.
    Glenn may have some insights.
    I doubt it.
    While I'm on this rant, I will say that the future of our national leader has everything to do with a New World Order, economic or otherwise.
    The "New World Order" seems to be just an over-hyped right wing fantasy.

    Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity

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    Posts: 6490
    From: Geneva, Illinois
    Joined: 08-08-2005

    Message 250 of 302 (904612)
    01-02-2023 10:27 PM
    Reply to: Message 248 by Theodoric
    01-02-2023 7:53 PM

    I wonder is he a homophobe too?
    What we are hearing from Phat seems to be group-think. He is giving us a window into his group, which is likely a group of evangelicals.

    Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity

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    Posts: 6490
    From: Geneva, Illinois
    Joined: 08-08-2005

    Message 274 of 302 (908529)
    03-16-2023 10:31 AM
    Reply to: Message 271 by Phat
    03-16-2023 1:15 AM

    Re: An actual economist has thoughts on Dalio
    (Now who is the villain? Who could it beee?)
    The villains are the people who voted for the interests of the super-rich and against their own interests. People like Phat.

    --> -->Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity <-- <--

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    Posts: 6490
    From: Geneva, Illinois
    Joined: 08-08-2005

    Message 276 of 302 (908548)
    03-16-2023 4:01 PM
    Reply to: Message 275 by Phat
    03-16-2023 2:07 PM

    Re: An actual economist has thoughts on Dalio
    If there are only two choices and the choices are BAD and WORSE, what do you expect would happen?
    I expect some people to vote for worse, because they have poor judgement on such issues.
    The rest of the world laughs at us.
    That's probably because so many Americans make poor decisions.
    China,Russia, India,Brazil, Iran, and S.Africa have decided they no longer wish to trade only in dollars.
    There's nothing I can do about that, other than avoid voting for incompetent politicians.
    You all can keep crowing about how great America and Mr.Biden are, until you find yourselves wiped out.
    I don't crow about either.
    Biden needs to be tougher against the fascist union of Chinese Industry and Western Government.
    Biden is limited by the strong opposition in congress. Presidents are not kings.

    --> -->Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity <-- <--

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    Posts: 6490
    From: Geneva, Illinois
    Joined: 08-08-2005

    Message 285 of 302 (910932)
    05-26-2023 1:58 PM
    Reply to: Message 284 by Phat
    05-26-2023 1:53 PM

    Re: Dalio short comment on national debt
    Phat in Message 284 writes:
    And why does it never seem to get paid back?
    Because Republicans keep cutting the taxes that should be used to pay it back.
    You vote Republican, so you are part of the problem.

    --> -->Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity <-- <--

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    Posts: 6490
    From: Geneva, Illinois
    Joined: 08-08-2005

    Message 291 of 302 (910944)
    05-27-2023 7:06 PM
    Reply to: Message 290 by Phat
    05-27-2023 3:18 PM

    Re: Dalio short comment on national debt
    Phat in Message 290 writes:
    All that Clinton did was eliminate the deficit for a short time.
    By eliminating the deficit, he started the repaying of the debt.
    The Republicans sabotaged this by cutting taxes and pushing the deficit back up.
    Obama attempted to address this, but the Republicans would not allow any tax increase. The same with Biden.
    If you want to see the debt paid down, why do you vote Republican?
    Is an ever increasing debt good for America?
    No, it needs to be reduced. But that requires a willingness to pay a little more in taxes.
    How about for the world?
    Most of the world is not much affected. But they will be seriously affected if congress fails to raise the debt limit.

    --> -->Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity <-- <--

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     Message 290 by Phat, posted 05-27-2023 3:18 PM Phat has replied

    Replies to this message:
     Message 294 by Phat, posted 05-28-2023 12:48 PM nwr has seen this message but not replied
     Message 296 by Phat, posted 05-29-2023 3:39 PM nwr has replied

    Posts: 6490
    From: Geneva, Illinois
    Joined: 08-08-2005

    Message 299 of 302 (910975)
    05-29-2023 6:24 PM
    Reply to: Message 296 by Phat
    05-29-2023 3:39 PM

    Re: Dalio short comment on national debt
    Phat in Message 296 writes:
    The numbers being discussed are far higher than what would be solved through a tax increase.
    I did not say that the debt needs to be eliminated. I just said that it needs to be reduced.
    If taxes exceed expenses, the debt is reduced.
    Think of this as a kind of buffer. In good years you reduce the debt, or even build a surplus. In bad years, you spend down the surplus or build up debt. It's impossible to get it exactly right every year, so we need this buffering. But we should keep the buffer size manageable. If debt is increasing every year, then we need a small increase in taxes. We should be aiming for a reasonably stable level of debt, but of course there would be year to year fluctuation.

    --> -->Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity <-- <--

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