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Author Topic:   Scientific Arguments of the New Intelligent Design
Member (Idle past 627 days)
Posts: 248
Joined: 09-21-2015

Message 1 of 1 (899191)
10-09-2022 9:29 PM

The discovery of the topic of intelligence and non-intelligence is one of the best discoveries ever since the discovery will change and replace all definitions of intelligence in all dictionaries and will help science to explain the topic of origin.
In here, I would like to share to you one of many scientific arguments of the new Intelligent Design.
If we can finish this topic, I can give you more explanations and the Argument 2 for the new ID.
Argument and Discovery 1: That natural process, refer to as collective nature, or reality, could be designated as “Problem-Solution”, “Action-Reaction” and “Cause-Effect”.
By basing the Egg-Tissue Experiment, the new Intelligent Design argues that dropping an egg to tissue papers (Egg-Tissue) could be correctly considered/designated as
(1) Egg as Problem, P, and supporting the dropped egg with tissue papers is considered Solution, S, or Problem-Solution (P-S) Pattern
(2) Egg as Action, A and supporting the dropped egg with tissue papers is considered Reaction, R, or Action-Reaction (A-R) Pattern
(3) Egg as Cause, C and supporting the dropped egg with tissue papers is considered Effect, E, or Cause-Effect (C-E) Pattern
The new Intelligent Design further argues that any single phenomenon, or single event in the whole entire existence, like dropping an egg to a tissue paper, could be approached and designated with three patterns, as written above. The new argues further that these three Patterns could be used in the topic of change and origin.
For example, reading this article is one single phenomenon, but could be designated as Problem-Solution (P-S) Pattern, in where reader like you is trying to solve the mystery (Problem) of the arguments of the new by reading this article (Solution). Or, by reading this article (as Reaction), you reader, as an agent, had reacted to the existence of this article (Action). In addition, you as reader is reading this article (Effect) because this science article had reached you (Cause).
In addition, applying the three patterns in Biology, for example, the change of Species A to become Species B, as claimed by Evolution, also could be designated with the three patterns. In Problem-Solution (P-S) Pattern, Species A could be the Problem and the Species B could be the Solution, which predicts that the original progenitor of any species could be the Solution and the collective nature that evolved or created the progenitor of species could be the Problem. In this case, the original archetype progenitor would be the first life.
The same also could be written for both Action-Reaction (A-R) Pattern and Cause-Effect (C-E) Pattern. That Species A would be the Action, and the Species B, the Reaction. Or, Species A could be the Cause and the Species B could be the Effect. Which predicts that the original progenitor of any species could be the Reaction or Effect, and the collective nature that evolved or created the progenitor of species, could be the Action or Cause, respectively. In this case, the original archetype progenitor would be the first life.
Thus, in the topic of Biology, these three Patterns could be used both for the topic of change of species and the topic of origin of species – supporting the argument/claim from the new that these three Patterns could be used for both the topic of change and of origin. In addition, the Problem-Solution pattern is best to be used for origin topic, and the remaining two patterns are best used for the topic of change. This article will be showing you some examples in real life.

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