Note that I am not
AnswersInGenitals. I am answering for myself.
Answers, you must believe in theistic evolution (TE). You
accept that the earth itself is roughly four-and-a-half
billions years old.
That the earth is over 4 billion years old comes from physics. It does not depend on TE or any other form of evolutionary thinking.
I assume that you believe the six days (Yom) of creation
were of an indeterminate amount of time, perhaps up to
750,000,000 million years each. The day-age theory.
I take the creation story to be story telling, myth making -- perhaps poetry.
It is not history. It should be trivially obvious from the writing style (genre) that it is not history.
On day three of creation God made the dry land to
appear. In addition, He created the tree; grass; flowers;
and, herbs on the same day.
The life giving rays of the sun did not reach the earth
until day four, which according to TE would have been
750,000,000 years later. Perhaps you should check
into the necessity of photosynthesis.
Or perhaps you are the one who needs to think about photosynthesis. What you believe is clearly false. The creation story is mythology, not history.
Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity