Why do I have to brush my teeth at least twice a day if my teeth are just fine and I have no rotting or cavity at all?
Why do I have to keep having flu shot every year if I haven't had the flu for years?
Why do I have to take my car in for an oil change regularly if my car runs just fine?
Why do I have to go to the gym and work out almost every day if my body is relatively fit?
Why did I have to go to school for all those years if I can read and write just fine?
Why do I have to drive carefully all the time if I haven't had an accident for many years? in fact, i can't even remember my last traffic ticket.
EVERYBODY has a regular routine that prevents something from happening. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand that it's these preventive measures that make sure nothing happens? I mean, is there some kind of mental block that prevents certain people from understanding the importance of preventive measures and the connection between preventive measures and something NOT happening?
Edited by coffee_addict, : No reason given.
If you say the word "gullible" slowly, it sounds like oranges. Go ahead and try it.