proudly roman catholic writes:
The highest form of things. If there is love, there must exist a perfected form of it, for all other forms of love, to be judged from.
Your premise is wrong.
We do not require a perfected form of something to exist in order to judge other forms of that thing.
Example: Length-there is no such thing as "perfect length"
-you may have "perfect length for this application" or "perfect length for that application"... but there is no single "perfect length."
-in order to judge length, all you need is two different measurements
-could be 1" vs 2" or 10 furlongs vs 22 furlongs or 3 fingers vs 4 fingers
-as long as there are 2 lengths (neither of which need to be perfect) - you can judge length to see which is longer or shorter or better for your application
Same with Love:-there is no such thing as "perfect love"
-you may have "perfect love for this application" or "perfect love for that application"... but there is no single "perfect love."
-in order to judge love, all you need is two different situations where love is involved
-could be mother vs father or teammate vs opponent or stranger vs stranger
-as long as there are 2 situation where love is involved (neither of which need to be perfect) - you can judge love to see which is more or less lovely or better for your application.
Since the entire argument is built from a wrong premise - the entire argument is therefore wrong.
(Otherwise there would also be a perfect hatred and a perfect darkness and a perfect "rebuttal against any argument..." it's, really, just a silly and immature concept that because something exists a "perfect version" must also exist.)