And you are requiring me to explain for the zillionth time why the gathering of sticks, to build a fire on the sabbath, was considered by God to be such a horrific violation of His Law against any work on the Sabbath. You have no appreciation for the enormity of this offense and my explanation will as usual fall short of anything that might convince you. You are just going to go on judging it by your own utterly irrelevant feelings.
Hi Faith! I'm interested in this statement, and wonder if you would mind explaining to me and others reading (again, apparently) why God would required a brutal death for picking up sticks on the Sabbath.
To be completely transparent, I am asking as someone who literally, as you said of GDR, "has no idea of the enormity of the offense" of gathering firewood on a Saturday.
Also, I'm not hopeful that you are going to try to even poke a stick at a casual answer, let alone leave us with a thoughtful response...but I can hope.
You are just going to go on judging it by your own utterly irrelevant feelings.
If GDR is a believer, then he is a moral creature made in the image of God...God's law should be written on his heart. Understanding God's law should be the most natural thing in the world to a believer...and the fact that two such firm believers can disagree on such a fundamental moral issue as when you should kill amazing to me.
Again Faith...try to reign in the arrogance a bit. He is trying desperately to have a reasonable conversation with you about a big moral issue... the indiscriminate killing of entire populations. How can you shrug that off as his
own utterly irrelevant feelings? Wanting people to not die is not irrelevant, not in any morally nuanced conversation. I tried to engage you for a while on the last thread, but all I could get from you was "Stop judging God, God judges you, not the other way around!
What moral conversation can be held if all you end up saying is that if we question you, we are questioning God...and that He will judge us even more harshly for it...?
Edited by Aussie, : Grammar...
"...heck is a small price to pay for the truth"