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Author | Topic: Testing The Christian Apologists | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
That's a bizarre assumption. We're talking about an example in which God clearly did lie (or was mistaken or changed His mind, etc.) 1) Assuming we are discussing a book of origins and a growing understanding of who God is, the consensus seems to be that God cannot lie. Why do you believe the part where it says that He cannot lie and reject the part where it says that He did? How does that square with taking the Bible as a whole?
Phat writes:
Why do you go immediately to worship? I expect people first to acknowledge what the story actually says. I also expect them to question whether the connection between the snake and "Satan" has any value.
If as you claim God did in fact lie, what do you expect people to do? Worship the snake? Phat writes:
Yes, I hope people would do that.
Throw all apologetics, gods, and Gods out the window and go watch the ducks? Phat writes:
Yes you are. I am not challenging what the book says. You are constantly scoffing at the idea that the snake told the truth. He plainly did. And you are rejecting the idea that God lied because you have cherry-picked somewhere else where it says He cannot lie.
Phat writes:
Well, the book does say it. Why would I complicate that?
I am challenging what you get out of it and why you defend it simply because "the book says it". Phat writes:
Of course I do. How else would I know that they're making it all up? You know all too well what a lot of apologetics teaches. I'm not asking you to explain what the Bible really, really, really means (as opposed to what it says). I'm asking you to think about what the apologists have been telling you.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
Phat writes:
No it isn't. All I have to do is quote what it says. If you think it "means" something else, the responsibility is entirely on you to make your case.
Upon further reflection, I am not defending what the book says. That is your job. Phat writes:
Again, you're not defending; you're asserting.
I am defending the idea that the ones with the Spirit are the fiery preachers, anointed teachers, and wise prophets of the modern age. Phat writes:
Again, you don't defend it; you just assert it.
... I will defend absolute truth. Phat writes:
But I don't "describe" it. I quote it.
For that reason, I reject the snake story described the way you describe it. Phat writes:
The opinion and practice among scholars is that the Bible is not to be taken as a "whole". It's your fundamentalist view that is contrarian.
You are and have always been a contrarian. ( adjective contrarianopposing or rejecting popular opinion; going against current practice. )
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
I claim that if you were honest with yourself you would agree that the apologists are making stuff up. If it isn't what the Bible says, it's made up. It really is that simple.
While not ready to dismiss the Christian Apologetic as "making stuff up" as you guys seem to do, I felt I needed to search deeper. Ringo, of course, claims that were I honest with myself, I would agree with EvC's line of reasoning.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
Phat writes:
Naturally, if you try to reconcile the Bible with your made-up theology you're going to end up with a tangled mess. That doesn't mean that the Bible itself is a tangled mess. What it is is a collection of discrete writings. Any attempt to reconcile them is bound to require adding complications on complications on complications. You can somewhat smugly stand on your assertion that the book says what it says, but you cannot argue that what it says it plainly and simply what it means. The complications are in the false linkings, not in the Bible itself.
Phat writes:
The first thing you need to understand is that my beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with it. You're just using my lack of belief as an excuse for dismissing what I say without thinking about it.
The reason being is that you don't even believe that the characters exist outside of the book. Phat writes:
So explain Karl Barth.
If you understood Karl Barth, you would understand the road that led to my argument. Phat writes:
Read the topic title. I've been asking you for an example of an honest apologist - e.g. one who doesn't try to explain Genesis 2-3 away. So far, all you've produced is a long list of names and no arguments.
I'm not even sure what the argument is between you and I.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
The evidence is the argument. Evidence always trumps belief.
Throw Your Evidence Away. It does not help the argument. Phat writes:
Your belief is on trial.
And mind you, the book is not the one on trial.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
It isn't something I'm "presenting". It's what it says. And nobody gives a flying fuck whether you accept it or not.
Why must I accept what Genesis 2-3 says as absolute truth the way that you present it? Phat writes:
And I have every right to point out that your interpretation is made up.
I have every right to interpret the book the way that I feel it should be interpreted. Phat writes:
I sure can. Watch me.
You can't hold my feet to the fire that you are creating by attempting to explain what a particular passage means.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
That's my question to you: Since your belief is made up - i.e. not based on scripture - i.e. often in direct contradiction of scripture - how can you trust it? As Jesus said, your house is built on sand.
How can we trust evidence that we ourselves create?
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
Stop preaching. Discuss the topic honestly.
I was born again. May it please the court to tell the prosecutor to sit down? He is complicating the proceedings. Or do you consider yourself the judge, too? I can watch you make a mockery of the judicial system. You need to learn humility. That's why God even sits where he sits. You are not Jesus. And the Judge sits over there. He is not some character in a book.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
You believe that God is not made up. I am being honest. God is not made up. It is a fact that God is a character in a book. You can believe that he is something more, but that is only a belief, like the belief in Tooth Fairies or unicorns.
Phat writes:
I don't need a recess. So far, you haven't presented much of a case. Maybe you should stop being so arrogant about your apologetics and actually present something of substance.
Unless the prosecution has evidence to the contrary, I suggest they need a recess.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
By what standard is honesty judged? Phat writes:
In this venue, the context is the Bible. Are the apologists telling the truth about the Bible? In what context? This is not rocket surgery. I'm just asking you to explain in your own words why Genesis 2-3, for example, doesn't "mean" what it says. If there's any merit at all to your position, why can't you explain it?
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
How does that "ruin" the story? Why doesn't conflating the snake with some Satan character in another book ruin the story?
My point of contention with you and jar is that you ruin the story by making the snake out to be a hero and God out to be flawed. Phat writes:
Of course not. Why would it be? That isn't Christianity.... The story is much older than Christianity. Why does (your brand of) Christianity get to mangle the story for its own purposes?
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
Duh. The story we're talking about. The story of the snake.
Which story? Phat writes:
That's not "a" story. That's two entirely separate stories. The part about Jesus being there at the beginning is made-up apologetics. It's what you're supposedly trying to defend here. It is not a foregone conclusion.
The story i read has God at the very beginning and has Jesus there too. Phat writes:
If you're going to claim to be honest, at least read the post you're replying to.
What story are you referring to? The human story?
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
Phat writes:
They may love the versions that they've made up but they don't love the stories as written.
I am simply agreeing with those who share a love of the stories... Phat writes:
That's where they're wrong. You can't have an "overall insight" on a group of individual books.
... and who claim to have an overall insight into the Author(or authors, editors, and redactors) behind the stories. Phat writes:
But we do know what the story actually says.
None of us know what was going through the mind of the first goat herder to tell a story. Phat writes:
It says no such thing. Jesus is not mentioned at all.
ringo writes:
Not according to the gospel of John. It clearly says that God was in the beginning and the Word was with God and was God. The part about Jesus being there at the beginning is made-up apologetics. Phat writes:
It doesn't say anything about a "who". It says "the Word". That's a "what".
Perhaps you could argue that this clearly does not mean Jesus, but who then would it mean? Phat writes:
No. I have a problem with things that are obviously made up.
You seem to have a problem with anything that is believed as if it were made up. Phat writes:
Of course I am defending what is plainly written. I have said so many times. Snakes are not usually calming influences which is why I find your conclusion that this snake told the truth puzzling unless you are simply defending what is plainly written. The story explains why (supposedly) snakes are unsettling. You have no basis for being puzzled that the snake told the truth because the snake plainly told the truth.
Phat writes:
It has nothing to do with relating to one character or another. It's about what the story says.
In which case I would ask you why you don't relate to the god character and relate more to the snake of whom it was told Phat writes:
You don't have to look very far. It's pretty common to be angry when one's lies are exposed.
Now, to be fair, we can attempt to find an answer why this God character would be mad at the snake which allegedly told the truth. Phat writes:
There's no need to speculate about the snake's purpose. He doesn't need an excuse to tell the truth.
We could then tie the snake's purpose.... Phat writes:
On the contrary. Claiming that "on the day" means years in the future is quibbling with semantics. "Spiritual death" is quibbling with semantics.
But to say that the God character lied is quibbling with semantics. Phat writes:
How is that a "good explanation"? What does cursing the snake have to do with humans' spiritual death?
the apologists have a good explanation that it was spiritual death. This is also supportable by the fact that the God character cursed the snake for what it said. Phat writes:
Of course we do.
I would also submit that we don't simply create Gods to serve us, do we?
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
Faith writes:
The main stream of Christianity is Roman Catholicism. Protestantism would be a fairly big stream if it was all one stream but in fact it's many small streams, with evangelicalism as one if its less-significant rivulets. The noisy rapids don't carry the most water.
My "cult" is mainstream Protestantism or evangelicalism... Faith writes:
Oddly enough, I almost never get censored. Maybe you just need to choose your words more carefully.
I've got to stop posting since Percy is extirpating ordinary words.
ringo Member (Idle past 734 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
Faith writes:
I'm saying that YOU should think carefully about the words you use. Then you might not post the kind of stupid drivel in the rest of your post.
And what words do you think I'm not choosing carefully enough?
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