Dear Faith, your arguments in support of the flood are only good in the sense that you have superb writing skills and are clearly intelligent. However, your technical knowledge in the field of geology is superficial at best and disingenuous at worst. I believe your "ignorance" is entirely deliberate on your part. You are too smart not to already have gathered that your arguments in favor of a global flood are void of even the most basic of known geologic facts.
There ARE people here on this site and thousands more around the globe who know more about the geologic (i.e., scientific) "factors" than you do, but you very deliberately choose to ignore them in favor of a preposterous, wholly unsupported, religious fantasy.
Nothing at all about any of your arguments over all these years comes close to a valid refutation of a 4.5+ billion year old Earth. Nothing.
You have wasted years of your life supporting laughable nonsense.
What a complete and sad waste of your incredible intellect.