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Author | Topic: Any practical use for Universal Common Ancestor? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RAZD Member (Idle past 1730 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
see reply to Message 997
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RAZD Member (Idle past 1730 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
see response to Message 1003
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RAZD Member (Idle past 1730 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined:
Message 966
RAZD writes:
If you can push ToE without producing any observable macroevolution then I can push my "aliens did it" theory without producing an observable alien. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. With no evidence of aliens, nor of any mechanism by which the insert their "genetic engineering" during observed processes of evolution, there is no basis for making this assumption. Except that there is evidence for macroevolution via known evolutionary processes, you just don't accept them. See 29+ Evidences for MacroevolutionThe Scientific Case for Common Descent for some known as of 2012. RAZD writes:
It will take time for scientists to get used to my new theory. I predict that in ten years time, my "aliens did it" theory will have largely replaced the outdated and childishly inadequate theory of Darwinian evolution. So I suggest that the sooner you wake up and grow up out the nineteenth century, the better. Particularly as the ToE does explain it without the use of aliens (Occam's wicked razor). This is why the ToE has been validated and the "alien genetic experiment" concept has not. It will take forever without objective empirical evidence substantiating it. All you appear to have is anecdotal evidence and wishful thinking pretending to be science.
Message 997RAZD writes: ... except that each fossil currently valides the ToE when it fits into the temporal/spatial matrix and the explanation provided by the ToE for getting from one spcies to another via known mechanisms of evolution. I fear you're talking rubbish. Fossils confirm that life-forms on earth have changed over time, but fossils can't confirm or validate the cause of those changes. Fossils don't validate ToE and its mechanisms anymore than they validate my "aliens" theory and its mechanism of genetic engineering. Sadly - for you - you are (still) wrong again. The changes documented in the fossil record show the pattern of proximity in space/time and in degree of evolution predicted by the ToE, and that are actually seen and documented in living species today: this is sufficient to say they are explained by the ToE. This what validation looks like.
Neither aliens nor "progressive creation" provide as complete an explanation of all facets of the evidence. And ToE does? You're dreaming. Nope, it is accepted by overwhelming majority of biological scientists (because ... see previous comment), and it is also confirmed by the independent analysis of genetic analysis and genome comparisons. Objective empirical evidence, unlike anecdotal evidence which you appear to rely on.
Message 998RAZD writes: Curious that aliens and gods only created evidence that completely mimics what the process of evolution would produce and only what the ToE predicts would occur. Curious that you ignore all the evidence that contradicts ToE - where is the evidence for the evolutionary ancestors of trilobites, fish and insects? Where are the missing links between the Ediacaran fauna all the novel phyla that appeared during the Cambrian explosion? The evidence for these "ancestors" doesn't exist! Curiously, missing information is not contradictory. That's called a swing and a miss:
Message 1003RAZD writes:
Ever heard of the fossil record? Dredge writes: On the contrary, the fossil record shows abundant evidence of "outside tampering". Please provide. preferably documented in a scientific journal. I know of none. Citing the fossil record is not sufficient to claim evidence for "outside tampering" -- you have to show what tampering was involved and why it supports your claim. Objective empirical evidence ... that you are missing
Mostly because producing a new genus was not the intent of artificial selection.
For thousands of years, humans have tried to alter the characteristics of dogs, for example, in all sorts of ways using every trick in nature's toolbox - even resorting to unnatural methods such as inbreeding - but no one has managed to produce anything but more dogs. Obviously, there are genetic limits to how much organisms can change.It was only when genetic engineering came along that the potential for producing radically different organisms was realised. Compared to genetic engineering, the mechanisms of evolution have been observed to produced only very limited and puny changes with a population. The claim that these evolutionary mechanisms can change a dinosaur into a bird (for example) are absurd and an embarrassment to science. And curiously, (micro)evolutionary change is still what the evidence shows: limited changes from generation to generation, within the temporal/spacial matrix limitations. The preponderance of evidence of dinosaur to flightless feathered dinosaur to bird increases every year. Plus bone types and breating system. Another case of a "missing link" being filled in by later objective empirical evidence. This hasn't been affected by progress in the relatively new field of genetic engineering. What genetic analysis has done is improve the evidence of evolutionary change explaning the known objective empirical evidence.
And yet the ToE still explains all the known evidence.
... like fish and insects appearing out of nowhere in the fossil record! Yes. It provides the best explanation provided by science, based on objective empirical evidence rather than fantasy, anecdotal evidence, denial of science and wishful thinking. ... "out of nowhere" is really meaningless hyperbole in terms of the fossil record ... as it could be said of every fossil, which makes it redundant, tautological and banal, like most of your posts. It is amusing the lengths you've gone to in order to argue for an alien conspiracy theory instead of a fact based analysis ... because reality challenges your cherished strongly held beliefs (resulting in cognitive dissonance and resulting denial).
quote: Sounds a lot like all the evolution disbelievers, from fundamentalist YEC to apologist OEC, IDologist, and science denialists. People who want reality to match their belief instead of belief matching reality. Enjoy Edited by RAZD, : . Edited by RAZD, : ..by our ability to understand Rebel☮American☆Zen☯Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1730 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
See response to Message 1022
Enjoyby our ability to understand Rebel☮American☆Zen☯Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
I'm not a YEC
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
Taq writes:
Thousands of people have claimed to have seen UFOs - on the other hand, ZERO people have claimed to have seen macroevolution. Dredge writes:
My aliens are as invisible as your macroevolution. Macroevolution is seen in every comparison of genomes: You're getting ahead of yourself - fossils show that macroevolution has occurred, but fossils don't tell us HOW it occurred. Your Darwinist explanation is merely one possible explanation ... which is supported by fossil evidence, but isn't CONFIRMED by fossil evidence.
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
herebedragons writes:
I didn't ask why "you would WANT to know the answer to" such questions. I asked why I - or more to the point - why a biologist would NEED to ask such questions. Why do you as a biologist NEED to link an extant organism you are studying to some distant ancestor that lived millions of years ago? I contend that doing so achieves nothing of any practical benefit - in other words, it's a useless exercise and a waste of time.
How could you possibly know if all members of a genus shared a common ancestor? How could you know if several genera shared a common ancestor. For example: in the cat family, Felidae, there are at least 14 extant genera. Are each of these separate creations? or is each of the 8 lineages a separate creation? Or is the whole family descended from a common ancestor - as most creationists claim? What is your criteria for determining the answer?
Dredge writes:
Why would I need to answer these questions? Well, I guess you wouldn't, seeing as how you are not a biologist and do not study biology or biological systems. If you did... these ARE questions you would want to know the answer to. If you don't know what the ancestral state of a character is, how can you determine what the derived state is? How would you determine what traits were locally adapted? How would you determine how selection is affecting the character?
By "ancestral state" I take it you mean the ancestral state of an extant organism. But that's not what I'm talking about - obviously. You haven't yet explained to me how the theory of common descent is useful in your work. (Note: For Pete's sake don't confuse the "theory of common descent" with "common descent" - the latter is obviously useful in a practical sense.) Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
AZPaul3 writes:
Fossils reveal that "evolution" has occurred, but fossils don't confirm any explanation for that "evolution".
And testing? Every new fossil found is another test. You've heard of tiktaalik, right? Then you know that its discovery was a product of prediction from ToE.
One find in scientific terms is regarded as no more than luck - oh, except in evolutionary "science", in which the accepted norms of statistics are ignored when convenient.
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
Tanyptyerx writes:
What the evolutionary ancestors of a trilobite? Algae? Bacteria?
Curious that all this is incorrect. You have presented no evidence that contradicts the ToE. Which "novel" phyla?
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
AZPaul3 writes:
I agree - but fossils don't tell us HOW.
Fossils give us great big clues to what happened and when
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
edge writes:
Inexplicable gaps and sudden appearances of novel creatures in the fossil record - insects, for example.
What are your criteria for determining 'outside tampering'.
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
edge writes:
Ah yes, but fossils don't confirm that Darwinian evolution is responsible for that progression. And insects appearing out of nowhere, for example, is hardly evidence of Darwinian evolution. Other huge gaps in the fossil record don't support Darwinism - they contradict it.
Dredge writes: Where are the missing links between the Ediacaran fauna all the novel phyla that appeared during the Cambrian explosion? The evidence for these "ancestors" doesn't exist! The progression is the evidence that evolution occurred.
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
Taq writes:
1. Aliens manipulated DNA to produce nested hierarchies. That capability is evident in the ancestral patterns of extant creatures. You need to know more than that. You need to explain the following, and this is just a good start: 1. The twin nested hierarchies of morphology and genetics. 2. The difference in divergence between exons and introns. 3. The pattern of transition, transversion, and CpG substitution mutations. 4. Orthologous endogenous retroviruses and transposon insertions, and the pattern of divergence between the LTR's of a single ERV. As for 1-4, all these phenomena (which any Grade 7 student would be familiar with) are explained by 1. above - they are legacies of genetic engineering performed by aliens over millions of years.
Dredge writes: Believing that your puny mechanisms of evolutionary can turn a rodent into a whale is grand delusion. Only people who lack scientific evidence to support their claims stoop to calling people deluded. If you had evidence you would present it.One group of scientists is given the task of producing a whale from a rodent using the principles of mutations and artificial selection. Another group of scientists is given the task of producing a whale from a rodent using the principles of genetics engineering. Given that thousands of years of humans using mutations and artificial selection has failed to produce anything even close to macroevolution in any plants or animals, which group of scientists do you think is going to have the most success? (You don't have to be Einstein to come up with the correct answer!) Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
RAZD writes:
Nonsense - "known evolutionary processes" demonstrate nothing more "known evolutionary process". You are conflating wishful thinking and science.
there is evidence for macroevolution via known evolutionary processes sadly - for you - you are (still) wrong again. The changes documented in the fossil record show the pattern of proximity in space/time and in degree of evolution predicted by the ToE, and that are actually seen and documented in living species today: this is sufficient to say they are explained by the ToE. This what validation looks like.
Oh, and I suppose all those gaps and sudden appearances in the fossil record are predicted by ToE as well! Your quack theory relies on cheery-picking the evidence.
Curiously, missing information is not contradictory.
The "incomplete fossil record" excuse is running out of puff - Gunter Bechly considers the fossil record to be "saturated" - meaning, we have enough fossil evidence now to conclude that the record is complete in a general sense. That is to say, the gaps and sudden appearances will always be gaps and sudden appearances. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 140 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
RAZD writes:
Yeah, right ... and this is why Gould described the fossil record as an "embarrassment" to Darwinian gradualism! Not even the reptile-jaw to mammalian-inner-ear fossil sequence demonstrates microevolutionary changes. And curiously, (micro)evolutionary change is still what the evidence showsAnd apparently insects appearing out of nowhere demonstrates microevolutionary changes - hilarious! out of nowhere" is really meaningless hyperbole in terms of the fossil record
Tell that to Gunter Bechly. Deny the evidence, if that's the best you can do.
It is amusing the lengths you've gone to in order to argue for an alien conspiracy theory instead of a fact based analysis ... because reality challenges your cherished strongly held beliefs (resulting in cognitive dissonance and resulting denial).
It amusing the lengths you've gone to in order to deny that my "aliens" theory is light years ahead of your simplistic, still-stuck-in-the-nineteenth-century Neo-Darwinism (a horse-drawn cart with new wheels is still a horse-drawn cart).The history of science is littered with the remains of mediocre, conservative thinkers who couldn't adapt to change.
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