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Author Topic:   Any practical use for Universal Common Ancestor?
Member (Idle past 1728 days)
Posts: 20714
From: the other end of the sidewalk
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Message 1367 of 1385 (866658)
11-14-2019 9:06 AM
Reply to: Message 1366 by Faith
11-14-2019 4:05 AM

Re: Another useful application of evolutionary theory
the problem is that the genetics isn't studied in order to check out what I'm saying. My theory goes like this: A species has only certain genetic stuff and even if mutations change things they can't change it to something outside what the genetic stuff does: even the most drastic mutations don't change the parts of a fruit fly, they just rearrange them. They don't create some other kind of creature or even a part of some other kind of creature. The enormous number of generations of e coli in Lensky's experiments never even suggested anything other than a version of e coli. The genetic stuff of each species appears to be built into its genome. Evolution, mutations, can rearrange it but can't make something new out of it.
It doesn't have to be. The genetics as studied show this concept to be contradicted. We see mutations in the genome carried to descendants who are different, we see common ancestry in specific traits from one lineage to the next, and we see this pattern extending into the past back to a universal common ancestor.
That is how the DNA tree of life is built. Common ancestry is a prediction of the ToE. This evidence confirms it, thus showing that the ToE is the best known explanation for the natural history of life as we know it, from the fossil record, from the genetic record, from the historic record, and from everyday record of the life we observe in the world all around us.
Normal microevolution brings out new versions of the traits that are built into the genome. It's always the same creature but it may be bigger or smaller or have dramatically different coloring or markings, some modification of the basic structure but without ever changing beyond what is clearly defined as that particular species. All these differences are built into the genome. There are many genes for some traits like fur coloring and so on, and whatever there are genes for is all the change you can possibly get. So no, all life is NOT related, simply genetically can't be.
The evidence says otherwise. The actual evidence show that "new versions of the traits" are due to mutations, and that there is nothing that limits mutations from occurring.
And there is nothing like trial and error in all of this either, though trial and error would be needed to get from one species to another because basic structures have to change, which doesn't happen in normal microevolution.
And again you are wrong. All evolution is trial and error: mutation (trial) selection (error) try again:
The "basic structure" changes is little steps, such as the changes in size, location and connectivity of the ear bones and jaw bones in the evolution of mammals from reptilian ancestors. There are many intermediate fossils found in this transition of "basic structure" and they are all fixed in the spatial/temporal matrix in the times and locations expected.
You will deny this of course, because it contradicts your ideology.
AND, you'll never recognize it I guess, but I'm very sure that as a species changes in a certain genetic direction it will eventually run out of genetic diversity and be unable to change any further. ...
Correct, I'll never recognize it, but that's because it hasn't happened yet. There is no barrier to change via mutations that has yet been discovered. What we do see is new genetic material occurring via mutations such that daughter species are just as robust in genetic variation as the parent population and that they differ from sister populations by having different sets of new mutations, genetic material that is absent in the parent population.
... Which basically means the defining characteristics will all be homozygous, all fixed loci, which is what we see in drastically bottlenecked species like the cheetah and elephant seal. And once the majority of their characteristics are fixed loci they cannot evolve any further. Presumably a mutation might come along and allow for it but that doesn't seem to happen. If they can be bred with other cats or seals then they can survive, but they won't be the same animal. Something like this genetlcally depleted condition must be what happens in breeding programs -- a "purebred" is defined as having fixed loci for its main characteristics. It doesn't vary from generation to generation as species with high genetic diversity do. Evolution has a natural end point in other words, you can't get anything new at all, not even a variation on the breed, let alone something toward an entirely new species.
Ideological rambling based on a falsified premise not worth addressing.
Trilobites are OBVIOUSLY the same species, humans and apes are not.
Again you choose to assert your ideology rather than look at the facts.
You can't handle the truth.
This is not the OP topic unfortunately.
AbE: OR, did you actually mean to identify a useful application of evolutionjary theory that I missed? And if so could you condense it down to a brief statement so I can get what you had in mind?
The common ancestry of traits as documented in the fossil temporal/spacial matrix shows evolution occurs, has occurred, and that there is no barrier to it continuing to occur. Common ancestry requires proximity in time and location for each breeding generation of species as a test prediction of evolution theory. The evidence confirms that the ToE is the best known explanation for the natural history of life as we know it, from the fossil record, from the genetic record, from the historic record, and from everyday record of the life we observe in the world all around us.

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 Message 1366 by Faith, posted 11-14-2019 4:05 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 1368 by Faith, posted 11-14-2019 9:17 AM RAZD has replied
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Member (Idle past 1728 days)
Posts: 20714
From: the other end of the sidewalk
Joined: 03-14-2004

Message 1370 of 1385 (866665)
11-14-2019 9:43 AM
Reply to: Message 1368 by Faith
11-14-2019 9:17 AM

Re: Another useful application of evolutionary theory
What you call "evidence," particularly in relation to the fossil record, is really just interpretation that can't be verified, in other words it's just the Evo fantasy.
And by the way you have shown no useful application whatever.
More proof that you can't handle the truth.

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 Message 1368 by Faith, posted 11-14-2019 9:17 AM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 1728 days)
Posts: 20714
From: the other end of the sidewalk
Joined: 03-14-2004

Message 1378 of 1385 (869412)
12-30-2019 9:47 AM
Reply to: Message 1376 by PaulK
12-30-2019 8:42 AM

The unwitnessed (prehistoric) past through the looking glass
Moved to Message 1515, Did the Flood really happen?
Edited by RAZD, : .
Edited by RAZD, : .

we are limited in our ability to understand
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 Message 1376 by PaulK, posted 12-30-2019 8:42 AM PaulK has not replied

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