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Author | Topic: Any practical use for Universal Common Ancestor? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
You raise some valid points ... which is probably why Mayr suggested the definition of macroevolution rest on a level of "genus OR EVEN HIGHER" (at least, that's what someone told me Mayr said - I don't have his original quote). Perhaps the higher one goes, the less ambiguous classification gets.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
Tanypteryx writes:
I greatly fear you’re suffering a delusion. The truth is, you only THINK you know how macroevolution occurs - you’re conflating your personal belief and a scientific theory. All we “know” is how MICROevolutions occur. You don’t even “know” that microevolutions lead to macroevolution. because you can’t demonstrate it is so. We already know how macroevolution occurs Furthermore, since you “know how macroevolution occurs”, you won’t have any trouble telling me how you would go about breeding a mammal from a reptile. Good luck with that. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
DrJones writes:
I greatly admire you debating skills and your clever arguments. But most of all I admire your sense of humour. this is the internet, loud mouth assholes like you are a dime a dozen. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
So, you can demonstrate this it's impossible for genetic engineering to produuce a phylogenetic signal?
Btw, is a phylogeneitic signal detectable in the fossil record?
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
RAZD writes:
Okay, so how do you falsify the theory that it doesn't appear to be falsifiable "Macroevolution = Microevolutions + Time" ?
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
Tanyptyerx writes:
I appreciate that, as an atheist, you have no choice but to believe the Darwinist narrative - even if creatures appear out of nowhere in the fossil record. In a thousand years' time, atheists will still be using this excuse - "the fossil record is incomplete!" Nope, it's more like, So what? If we don't have answers to all the questions that's a good thing, because it means we have lots of things to challenge us, new discoveries to find, it makes life interesting. Those poor little trilobites: They gaze up from the fossil beds asking, "Where did I come from?"
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
Tanyptyerx writes:
Let me get this straight . You’re a professional biologist and you claim to “know how macroevolution occurs”, yet you are clueless as to how you would breed a mammal from a reptile? Okay, well let’s try something really simple: How would you breed a double-cell organism from a single-cell organism? I don't give a shit about reptiles and mammals, I'm in charge of the important ones, INSECTS. Not your area of expertise? Fair enough; how about this then ... How would you breed an insect with wings from an insect without wings? Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
edge writes:
Haven’t I already answered this question? For your sake, I will reiterate: I believe my “aliens” theory is the best SCIENTIFIC explanation for the fossil record, according to the parameters set by modern science - ie, methodological naturalism. However, since I believe there is more to reality than methodological naturalism, I don’t believe my “aliens” theory is the best explanation for the fossil record (notice how I didn’t say “the best SCIENTIFIC explanation”). I believe the best explanation for the fossil record is a non-scientific explanation. Okay, then, let me reword my question. If your theory is not true, why have you spent 70 some pages defending it? So I have two explanations for the fossil record, depending on which “game” I’m playing. Are you familiar with the term, “Horses for courses”?
I never said that you believe it or that you should believe it. That's kind of the point.
But you can believe that a theory is false - even if you believe it's the best scientific theory available. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
RAZD writes:
How do you falsify ToE?
unlike the ToE which is falsifiable
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
AZPaul3 writes:
I’m not surprised others have noticed the same thing - it seems to be a fundamental and obvious contradiction. Btw, you haven’t answered my question: If the THEORY of evolution is “true”, why don’t you call it the FACT of evolution? This YEC trope has been around forever. It was an intellectually vacuous argument decades ago and is downright stupid now. Furthermore, it’s my understanding that a scientific theory is never “true”, but is “validated” according the evidence in its favour. So first you get a population of amniotes which evolve into the synapsids, and the sauropsids. The synapsids begat the Eupelycosaurs who begat the sphenacodontians who then begat the Sphenacodontids who then begat the Therapsids who finally begat the mammals. And at each begat we're talking millions of years of microevolution with lots of intermediate begats in between each of those. Sorry, but you haven’t told me anything useful in terms of a breeding program. If you have an amniote, for example, how do you breed it to evolve into a synapsid? Well, you see, Dredge, dog breeders are not looking to breed a non-dog. They want to breed only a specific type of dog with a highly restrictive set of features. So they inbreed closely related animals which restricts the resultant gene pool for that breed leading to deformities. Artificial selection does that.
You live in a dream world. Try and bred a dog into a non-dog and see what happens - you will end in the same genetic “dead-end” that thousands of years of dog breeding has - ie, a drastically less-diverse population riddled with harmful mutations. All you will end up “evolving” is sick, weak, unfit dogs! But hey, I understand that an atheist has no choice but to believe that evolution is responsible for the fossil record, despite the reality-denying absurdity of that position. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
AZPaul3 writes:
1. No, as I've pointed out many times, I'm not a YEC. You are a YEC. And a rather dumb one at that. 2. For someone with a fragile, eggshell mind and an IQ of 9, I think I'm doing alright (Did you know it only took me ten years to complete seven years of primary school?)
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
edge writes:
No, Dredge accepts the same fossil record as you do. Dredge harangues us that the fossils don't tell us how life changed over time. Here’s the problem for Darwinists: Fossils tells us nothing about the mechanism of macroevolution, and it cannot be demonstrated that microevolution leads to macroevolution (on the contrary, thousands of years of animal and plant breeding demonstrates that there are genetic limits to how far organisms can “evolve”) . So all you have left to “explain” the fossil record is blind faith (born of atheism) in Darwinian evolution. Unfortunately blind faith is not science. Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
DrJones writes:
Very sorry - I got the strong impression that you were gay - my bad.
ah that's sweet but you shouldn't waste your time flirting with me, i like women
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
edge writes:
You don't fool me - I know that, as a result of my teaching on this site, you are now seriously questioning your Darwinist beliefs and are thinking of converting to some form of creationism. Learn what? Edited by Dredge, : No reason given.
Dredge Member (Idle past 131 days) Posts: 2855 From: Australia Joined: |
AZPaul3 writes: Is that what you're looking for? A fuckin breeding program! Yes - I asked you for a breeding program that will produce macroevolution. Believe it or not, macroevolution sort of needs organisms to breed in order for it to happen.
To evolve amniotes to synapsids/sauropsids nature took millions of colonies of different species of amniotes, put them in a nice wet warm place and let chemistry work its majik. A few million years later the amniotes were still there but had evolved two separate forms. How's that for a breeding program
Sorry, but your breeding program tells me nothing about how to breed a synapsid from an amniote.If someone asked you how to breed a sausage dog from a wolf, for example, and you said "put them in a nice (warm) place and let chemistry work its majik", they would rightly conclude that you know ZILCH about dog breeding. So - as I suspected - you actually have no idea how you would go about producing a synapsid from a amniote. So much for you claimed knowledge of macroevolution - you've just proven you have none! It seems that your so-called knowledge turns out to be nothing but blind faith - "Gee, I dunno ... evolution done it!"
We are quite familiar with this inbreeding disaster and how/why it forms. .... and why genetic disasters place a limit on how far the dog genome can be "stretched". Despite the obvious genetic "dead ends" encountered by dog breeders, you still believe the deluded fantasy that dogs could eventually be breed into non-dogs. I could ask you how you would go about breeding a non-dog from a dog, but you'd be as clueless about that as you are about breeding a synapsid from an amnoite.
Disingenuous fool.
Oh look, a petulant insult - the last resort of the clueless. Classy stuff.
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