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Author Topic:   The roots of Creation Science and Darwinism
Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
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Message 1 of 89 (832983)
05-15-2018 2:48 PM

Darwinian Evolution (Darwinism) is the inconsistent and unfair following the principle: laws of energy-momentum conservation (as well as all other conservations) are always valid. Even in the Virtual Big Bang. However this road leads to self-denial and lies: Science v s God Its The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it Science v s God Its The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it - video Dailymotion
"Michio Kaku - The Universe Shouldn't Exist"
However nihilism (the atheism is its expression) is not the announced "absence of Absolute Truth", but simply the "art to lie without a shame".
Creation Science (or simply Creationism) is the freedom from unfair and blind demand to follow the conservation laws in physics.
The Nature is what Standard Instruments do measure (at least in principle), and Instruments are what measure the Nature. Shortly: Time is what the clock shows (Albert Einstein). This way the definition of Nature became free from our body-senses.
Spirituality, and divinity — is what can not be measured by Standard Instruments. For example: your love to mom has no physical temperature, has no physical pressure. So, spirituality is not part of the Nature. Spirituality is not natural.
Actions of spiritual beings always violate the conservation laws of Nature.
PROOF: spiritual being is not part of Nature. However, the behaviour of Nature under the influence of spiritual beings is describable by addition several terms (functions and fields) into the equations of Nature. For example, the Newton Second Law a m = F (the m is mass of body, the a is acceleration of body, F is physical force acting on body) can fully describe the levitation and telekinesis by addition of the force-field K (with no natural source). So, a m = F + K.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy are source-less (it means with no natural source) terms A and B in Einstein Equation: G+A+B=8pi f T, where G is Einstein tensor, T is energy-momentum tensor of natural matter. The field f with values 0 or 1 is also spiritual influence, it describes Creation and Destruction of natural objects.
PROOF Spiritual source can not be measured, like the Dark Matter and Dark Energy are known only by their influence on Nature: the CERN has not detected Dark Matter. The gravitation (its interaction of Nature with the Dark Matter) can not be seen as material interaction, because there is no force of gravity in Einstein calculations, indeed, the free-falling object feels no gravity force.
The proof, that without the spiritual terms (like K, A, f, and B, which are space and time functions with no limiting conditions on them) the mathematics of Academic Science is not self-consistent: Just a moment...
There can not be divine-less model of Nature. The spiritual beings and God are necessary.
Edited by Astronomy, : I have added words about Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Creation and Destruction of Nature.

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 Message 5 by Modulous, posted 05-15-2018 10:21 PM Astronomy has replied
 Message 7 by AZPaul3, posted 05-15-2018 11:54 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
Posts: 25
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Message 6 of 89 (833000)
05-15-2018 11:49 PM
Reply to: Message 5 by Modulous
05-15-2018 10:21 PM

Spirituality, and divinity — is what can not be measured by Standard Instruments. For example: your love to mom has no physical temperature, has no physical pressure
I see no reason it cannot be measured in principle. Hormone levels, neuronal excitement levels etc.
Actions of spiritual beings always violate the conservation laws of Nature.
PROOF: spiritual being is not part of Nature.
I don't see why, just because something is not part of nature, it must ALWAYS violate the conservation laws of nature. It could be possible that there any conservation laws that actually apply to both domains.
1. The influence on Nature, while you Love your Mom, can be measured (like looking at the photo, where you are giving your mom the flowers, simply count the number and determine the colour of the flowers), but the Love has no Natural Source! Because Love is not Biochemistry of our brain!
2. There are no natural conservation laws in Heaven. Because then there would be just Nature, not the Heaven. But atheism is nihilism. Nihilism is denial of Truth itself. Thus, Nihilism is not True.
3. Please reread the thread, because I have added something about Dark Matter.
Edited by Astronomy, : Added clarification.
Edited by Astronomy, : Improved the point.

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 Message 15 by Modulous, posted 05-16-2018 12:21 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
Posts: 25
Joined: 05-13-2018

Message 8 of 89 (833002)
05-16-2018 12:07 AM
Reply to: Message 7 by AZPaul3
05-15-2018 11:54 PM

Re: A Winner!
Please be more respective with representative of Academic Science. I am author in Physical Review.
The units of K is Newton: [K]=[N].

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 Message 9 by AZPaul3, posted 05-16-2018 12:38 AM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
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Message 11 of 89 (833006)
05-16-2018 12:56 AM
Reply to: Message 9 by AZPaul3
05-16-2018 12:38 AM

Re: A Winner!
I do not have to earn respect! I am already author in Physical Review.
The F+K is sum of Physics and Religion.
Edited by Astronomy, : No reason given.

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 Message 12 by AZPaul3, posted 05-16-2018 2:28 AM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
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Message 13 of 89 (833034)
05-16-2018 10:55 AM
Reply to: Message 12 by AZPaul3
05-16-2018 2:28 AM

Re: A Winner!
The F+K is sum of Physics and Religion.
And as shown, empirically, K=0. It is nothing. It has no effect.
The respectful mathematics in the link of the thread (link to researchgate) proves that K is not zero.
Edited by AdminPhat, : fixed broken quote

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Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
Posts: 25
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Message 16 of 89 (833057)
05-16-2018 2:03 PM
Reply to: Message 15 by Modulous
05-16-2018 12:21 PM

The Heaven (and Spiritual Realm) with natural laws is called Nature, not Heaven.
There are detectors of Dark Matter deep down the surface of Earth. What they have detected? Nothing.
Edited by Astronomy, : No reason given.

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 Message 17 by Modulous, posted 05-16-2018 2:15 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
Posts: 25
Joined: 05-13-2018

Message 18 of 89 (833065)
05-16-2018 2:37 PM
Reply to: Message 17 by Modulous
05-16-2018 2:15 PM

in Spiritual Realm is only one Law - Sovereign Will of God. Laws in Nature can not be different from place to place and from time to time. Otherwise, the Laws in Nature are violated in Nature. But latter is mine point.
If the standard, academic, totally accepted mathematics in my researchgate paper can prove anything a man would like (by twisting formulares and words), then please disprove me using math. I will try to disprove you back.

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 Message 19 by jar, posted 05-16-2018 3:15 PM Astronomy has replied
 Message 21 by Modulous, posted 05-16-2018 4:12 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
Posts: 25
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Message 20 of 89 (833072)
05-16-2018 3:27 PM
Reply to: Message 19 by jar
05-16-2018 3:15 PM

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Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
Posts: 25
Joined: 05-13-2018

Message 23 of 89 (833086)
05-16-2018 4:43 PM
Reply to: Message 21 by Modulous
05-16-2018 4:12 PM

If the laws of Heaven are different from laws in Nature, then:
1. I does not matter, I am talking, that Laws of Nature are violated without Heaven. If you agree, then you are not atheist. How come? If you are not atheist, then you are not my subject. My subjects are people who need to be saved from hell.
2. If the laws in two places (Heaven and Nature) are different, then the laws are violated. But that is my point. The only non-violated Law is the Sovereign Will of God.

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 Message 24 by Tangle, posted 05-16-2018 5:25 PM Astronomy has not replied
 Message 25 by Modulous, posted 05-16-2018 7:29 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
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Message 26 of 89 (833102)
05-16-2018 11:26 PM
Reply to: Message 25 by Modulous
05-16-2018 7:29 PM

"In analogy - I could be breaking (and almost certainly am) the law in Saudi Arabia - but no violation has really occurred because I'm not in Saudi Arabia."
A man lives in New-York in 2018. The law is the Newton Second Law am=F. Now arrives 2019 and the law became violated by spiritual K=0.0001 [N]: am=F+0.0001. So, you have two distinct places in spacetime, which have two different laws. But in moving coordinate system these places also have difference in spatial position. Thus, having two different laws in two different places means the violation of the law am=F by spiritual force K.

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 Message 27 by Modulous, posted 05-17-2018 1:41 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
Posts: 25
Joined: 05-13-2018

Message 28 of 89 (833140)
05-17-2018 1:58 PM
Reply to: Message 27 by Modulous
05-17-2018 1:41 PM

Well, to talk about spiritual K I need to prove God. Correct? If the Omniscient Being exists, He knows about own existence. But because He is Omniscient, in Omnisciency exists knowledge of His existence.
The Law am=F holds for situations of low velocity in 2018, if in such and similar situations in 2019 would start to hold am=F+0.001 instead, then the law is definitely changed.
Edited by Astronomy, : No reason given.

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 Message 29 by Modulous, posted 05-17-2018 2:11 PM Astronomy has replied

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Message 30 of 89 (833142)
05-17-2018 3:02 PM
Reply to: Message 29 by Modulous
05-17-2018 2:11 PM

If body follows in 2018 the law am=F, and in 2019 it does not follow the law am=F, then the law am=F is violated.

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Message 46 of 89 (833215)
05-18-2018 1:45 PM
Reply to: Message 45 by Tangle
05-18-2018 1:37 PM

Re: Re-Dark Matter
"How do you know it wasn't a pink, universal unicorn?"
Tell me more about your idol called "pink unicorn". Is it omnipresent idol? If yes, then why I can not see it in my home?

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 Message 47 by Tangle, posted 05-18-2018 3:13 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
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Message 48 of 89 (833228)
05-18-2018 3:24 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by Tangle
05-18-2018 3:13 PM

Re: Re-Dark Matter
I repeat, is your idol omnipresent or not?
Why I can not see it in my home?
Edited by Astronomy, : No reason given.

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 Message 50 by Tangle, posted 05-18-2018 3:31 PM Astronomy has replied

Junior Member (Idle past 2291 days)
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Message 51 of 89 (833231)
05-18-2018 3:44 PM
Reply to: Message 50 by Tangle
05-18-2018 3:31 PM

Re: Re-Dark Matter
Do you believe in pink unicorn? Is it your idol? Can it tell you, is it now omnipresent or not?
If it is your idol, then why it is not your God? If you do not believe in pink unicorn, then latter is debunked now.
If unicorn is omnipresent, then it has no body: thus, no corn. So, unicorn is debunked.
Edited by Astronomy, : No reason given.

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 Message 52 by Tangle, posted 05-18-2018 5:40 PM Astronomy has replied

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