If that was true, why wouldn't you use your awesome powers to stop them entirely?
I thought we had established that prohibition doesn't generally universally prevent a practice but it does have an inhibitory effect in certain cases, circumcision included.
Then maybe you can list some for us.
It's unnecessary. I'll do you a solid though. I'll include 'Ringo is not aware anyone wants to engage in the practice' as a criteria.
stoning adulterers, homosexuals and those that work on the Sabbathb) slavery / indentured servitude
Flogging adulterers and unbelieversd)
removing the hands of thievese)
human sacrifice (what if the victim consents? What if they were 'brainwashed' all their life into that consent?)f) beating children with rods
g) Declining to employ people of the 'wrong' religion.
h) Marrying children off and the consummation thereof
i) Footbinding
j) Beating one's spouse
So - what's next? Let's do 'beating one's spouse'. That's certainly something that people do in the US. Why should that remain prohibited?
As I have said, I am not in favour of circumcision. If we stopped circumcising, that might indeed be an "improvement" of some sort.
But it ain't gonna happen.
I don't see why we can't inhibit the practice.
People are going to drink alcohol and prohibition isn't going to stop them.
People are going to do drugs and prohibition is not going to stop them.
People are going to have abortions and prohibition is not going to stop them.
But prohibition does inhibit the practices.
Even if reducing the number of circumcisions is a step "forward", disrupting happy families by depriving children of their parents is a huge leap backward into a very dark past.
I don't expect it would happen with many. See female circumcision as a comparison.
And yet you claim you can control how many circumcisions are performed.
I claim only that prohibition of circumcision will inhibit the number of circumcisions. I told you to pay attention to the scope.
You claimed I could control whether we took parents away. That's not strictly true, but in so far as it is, I can also assert control over the numbers by inhibiting the practice by making it illegal.