Phat writes:
I do not believe that Faith willfully lies as you assert, though you could argue that denial of what you claim to be reality is tantamount to lying.
I have never claimed something is reality, I have shown what is really there. I present evidence, for example that all the Christian Holy Days are simply repurposed pagan holidays; that the God as described in Genesis 1 is different than the God that is described in Genesis 2&3.
When she claims I do not present evidence I can and will;
Message 38 in this very thread is filled with facts and
Message 42. If necessary I can post linky to whole threads where ALL I present are facts and evidence.
Phat writes:
I understand her frustration in that you give no respect to the apologists.
Respect needs to be earned, not given. If the crap marketed by the apologists cannot stand up to examination then that is their problem and they need to try to sell a better product.
Phat writes:
n her defense, she perhaps feels that you disregard the apologetic message and defend your own.
I don't disregard the apologetic message but rather actually consider it before laughing.
Phat writes:
Even the critical scholars with evidence cannot come to an agreement on whether Jesus existed or not. Ehrman contradicts Carrier and Dougherty.
Exactly; there is no real evidence that Jesus ever lived.
Phat writes:
You do often ask your opponents whether they have actually read the Bible and Faith perhaps feels insulted by this and so infers that you believe yourself to be the only one who does so.
When people make claims of something being in or related to the Bible that is refuted by what is actually written in the Bible is it not reasonable to ask if they have actually read the material?