When the orbit of Mercury violated Newton's Laws of Gravity we threw out Newton's Laws of Gravity, not the orbit of Mercury.
And when relativity explained the orbit of Mercury, that was validation that relativity was a better model than Newton's Law of Gravity.
We use the scientific method because it appears to work. If there were no constants then the scientific method wouldn't work and we wouldn't be able to make such stunningly accurate predictions as it relates to new experiments.
We also have evidence for constants, such as Uranium Halos and the Okla Natural Reactors producing the same by-products as man-made reactors, and in the observed radioactive decay of isotopes in the light from supernova's like 1987a.
If the laws of physics have changed then it is most likely that this occurred early in the life of the universe and that they have since decayed rapidly over time to the constants we see and observe.
Edited by RAZD, : .