Porkncheese writes:
I feel horrible for what I said to my parents a year ago. My attack on their faith came from every angle. I was disrespectful, hateful, inconsiderate and totally fucked. It hurt them. And for wat. This bullshit of a debate.
We haven’t spoken since. And although iv tried to justify it to myself in the last 3 months I can’t. I’m a terrible person fuckin hell.
Sincerely ask them for forgiveness. If they are remotely as Christian as you say they are then they are compelled to forgive. After all forgiveness is the central message of those "red words" in the KJV. Everything else is mostly either setting up that climatic part of the story, or largely bogus commentary and history which often is in conflict with both those red words and verifiable facts.
Iv learnt what this ToE is all about. U can’t reason with a group of retarted fuckin apes with dogmatic views. And becoming frustrated with you retarted apes with tiny cranium capacities is in itself stupid of myself.
I was dumb to accept this shit without question to begin with. And u bunch of old men 40s and 50s spinning the same old childish shit. Being 19yo and agnostic ya’ll total fuckin liars. Living in a fairytale pipe dream.
Taking out your anger at yourself on others who are vastly better informed about science and in many cases religion will not help in your journey to ultimately forgive yourself. Only asking for your parents forgiveness can do that.
Also at 19, you know a lot less than you think you do. Admitting this is the first step toward wisdom. Another is to manage your anger issues but that comes easier with time as those raging male hormones stop overriding every thought and piece of advice provided by those who have "been there done that."
Fuckin narrow minded knuckle heads lacking any dignity or culture. Spinning shit only to oppose religion.
You know that is a false statement. Jar, however cranky he may occasionally be due to frustration, is not only pretty wise but also the very epitome of a Christian according to our conversations. And that is just one example.
Now my conscious is killing me. I’m the prodigal son. Must make peace asap.
You must try, or you will never forgive yourself and will never be truly happy.
I wish you the best of luck in your journey toward forgiveness, knowledge, and hopefully someday with hard work - wisdom.
Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. - Francis Bacon