One significant difference between YEC and theistic evolution, and many other points of view, is that
YEC believe in descent with modification while others believe in ascent with modification as the general rule.
Well, I cannot tell who you mean by
"many other points of view" and
"while 'others' believe in ascent with modification"
Are the
"others" you are talking about here those of us who are disputing what you have to say about evolution?
If so, then you are incorrect about us and incorrect about what we are saying about our view of evolution.
Others believe that the cat family came from a non-cat ancestor, ultimately the same microbial ancestor as all other creatures, with production of much new genetic information, features, and body plans.
The evidence leads us to conclude that cats are descended from a Carnivore common ancestor and a Mammalian common ancestor, and a vertebrate common ancestor, and on back to some Animalia common ancestor.
Carnivore Phylogeny
None of this is based on beliefs, but rather evidence.
Belief in the
"production of new genetic information" completely belongs to creationists.
CRR writes:
This is why examples of adaptation and speciation are of no particular concern to us.
New species? So what?
Cit+ trait in E. Coli? Meh.
Finch beaks changing size? Ho hum.
Trinidad guppies? Yawn.
London Underground Mosquito? So?
OK, but what are you doing here then? You just popped in to tell us how bored you are about evolutionary biology?
Thanks, good to know.