distance of our Earth from the Sun, 93,000,000 miles, and divide it by the speed of Light of 96,000 miles per second and its answer comes out to 500 seconds for light from the Sun (SON) to get to us.
93,000,000 miles divided by 96,000 miles per second is 968.75 seconds.
the distance from the Sun to the Earth varies from 91,393,184 to 94,517,917 miles (after conversion from AU) from
Earth at Perihelion and Aphelion: 2001 to 2100
The speed of light is 299,793,458 m/s or 186,282 mi/s so the time from Sun to Earth is 490 to 507 sec (+/- error in measurements).
My big question is why you think the designer used seconds. The only biblical time measurements I can recall are hours (1/12th of daylight so varied), day, season, and year.