It was a silly issue to hang their hat on.
Especially without having actual evidence for it.
Even if they did have solid evidence - I would bet that over 90% of all public workers of a similar age (females included) would have similar sexual assault issues in their own past. It *was* different in the past, and this *was* a very long time ago. People change, and people can easily change away from what this sexual assault entails.
The scale of such a sexual assault is more on the Aziz Ansari side of things than it is on the Harvey Weinstein side of things.
Anyone pushing a sexual assault that's more on the Aziz side is not helping. It ends up looking more like taking-advantage-of-the-#MeToo-movement-for-your-own-agenda instead of using #MeToo for what it's actually supposed to do - help victims.
The other issue is even if the Democrats opted to focus on the actual alleged lies from Kavanaugh during testimony, they would be called out as hypocrites since that is precisely the tactic that the Republicans used during the Clinton impeachment saga. Clinton was in fact impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice relating to his responses during questioning regarding the affair with Lewinski. As opposed to the actual deed itself.
And if we all recall, the Democrats basically scoffed at the notion since their assertion was it was a private matter that should not have been discussed in public. Ironically, they were somewhat 'anti-#MeToo' at that time.