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Message 5 of 41 (796680)
01-03-2017 3:00 AM
Reply to: Message 4 by dwise1
01-02-2017 9:22 PM

The complete absence of any discussion makes it look like nothing more than advertising.
The introduction is not promising either. the author starts with the assumption that the scientific attempt to understand the universe and its history is an attempt to counter the "obvious" existence of God. Which pretty much concedes the case right at the start.
Also it is clear that this is an apologetic for the Eastern Orthodox Church, and although the introduction claims to be fictionalised accounts of real events, it is very likely that there is more fiction there than the author would admit or even realise.

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 Message 4 by dwise1, posted 01-02-2017 9:22 PM dwise1 has not replied

Posts: 18056
Joined: 01-10-2003
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Message 19 of 41 (796760)
01-04-2017 5:01 AM
Reply to: Message 18 by Faith
01-04-2017 3:57 AM

Re: Too too funny.
The claim isn't that the Bible originated the story of the Flood, it's that it's the TRUE account of the Flood, all the others having been mythified.
The mere existence of similar myths and legends would not be good evidence for that even if it were established that they were independent. As should be very obvious that fact (if it were a fact) does nothing to establish the Biblical account as being any more true than any of the others.
But all you really have as evidence for the transmission of the Flood stories by that means is speculation. You really don't know, you are guessing
Snorri Sturluson used the Bible story - and the Trojan war - in the introduction to his Edda. The various Middle Eastern stories are all related.
They still really could be mythified memories carried separately within cultures
You do realise that relying on that "could be" reduces the value of the other myths as evidence quite significantly ?
But even if the stories were "mythified memories" they don't have to be "mythified memories" of the same event. Stories can and do grow and change in the telling. That is one reason why tracking down the origins of the stories is important.
Indeed, why would you want the stories to be independent? According to the Bible, the Flood did not leave scattered survivors - only one family survived and their descendants stayed together until Babel.
And by the way, we don't need any such evidence, we know the truth because we know the Bible is God's revelation. And that being the case it makes sense that an actual event such as the Flood that is recorded there, might very well be remembered in some form throughout the world.
In reality we know the the Flood did not happen as the Bible described due to the physical evidence (or lack of it). The weak evidence of similar myths could never overwhelm that fact.

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 Message 18 by Faith, posted 01-04-2017 3:57 AM Faith has not replied

Posts: 18056
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 24 of 41 (796776)
01-04-2017 12:46 PM
Reply to: Message 23 by Theodorus
01-04-2017 12:29 PM

Jesus worked countless miracles in front of countless people, and many of them still didn't believe Him. They believed He was a sorcerer.
Or so it is said. Claims of miracles are not uncommon. Claims that stand up to examination - when that is possible - are much, much rarer.
Evolutionist Stephen J. Gould clearly stated that there are no transitional fossils.
He certainly did not. If you had done your research properly you ought to know that.
Fred Hoyle is the author of this famous quote
Hoyle had some very strange ideas.
Human freedom reigns supreme, it cannot be forced in any way. When man cannot find the arguments he is looking for, he manufactures them himself.
Christian apologists certainly do. However it is usually quite obvious.
If the moon were to break apart into a million pieces, and the pieces were arranged in the sky to form a text reading "THERE IS A GOD!", would atheists be convinced? Probably not, probably they'll say there is a scientific explanation for that, too, maybe an advanced alien civilization making fun of us...
And there you go making things up.

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 Message 23 by Theodorus, posted 01-04-2017 12:29 PM Theodorus has not replied

Posts: 18056
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 28 of 41 (796789)
01-04-2017 2:53 PM
Reply to: Message 26 by Theodorus
01-04-2017 2:46 PM

Anyway, I don't want to argue now about what is the right way to interpret Gould's words. If there are transitional fossils, where are they hidden?
They aren't hidden, most of them are in museum collections - many are kept for researchers to study but some are on display. I've seen an archaeopteryx fossil, for instance. And Gould called that an extremely good example of a transitional.
Pictures of REAL fossils that show a REAL and SMOOTH transition...
And here we have the weasel-wording of someone trying to dismiss the evidence. Funny how you manage to fall into exactly the trap you spoke of, and in a way that is quite obvious to someone who knows the Gould quote. Transitions do not have to be smooth, nor are they expected to be. Gould considered Archaeopteryx a good example of a transitional fossil because it did not fit with a smooth transition.

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 Message 26 by Theodorus, posted 01-04-2017 2:46 PM Theodorus has not replied

Posts: 18056
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 34 of 41 (796832)
01-05-2017 7:34 AM
Reply to: Message 26 by Theodorus
01-04-2017 2:46 PM

Gould on Transitionals... dealt with here Quote Mine Project
It covers the usual quotes - including "smooth" transitions and Gould's view of Archaeopteryx is mentioned. References are provided.

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 Message 26 by Theodorus, posted 01-04-2017 2:46 PM Theodorus has not replied

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