The Ten laws of Atheism
1. First Law of Intellectual Superiority: We are intellectually superior to all non-atheists/agnostics.
2. Second Law of Intellectual Superiority: We are particularly superior intellectually to Christians.
3. Law of Scientific Superiority: Not only are we intellectually superior to believers and Christians in particular, even Nobel Laureates, but we are also light years ahead of all of them in our understanding of science.
4. Law of Moral Superiority: We atheists are good for goodness' sake. Believers do good hoping for personal gain after they die, thinking only of themselves.
5. Law of Piling on: Fifty of us atheists will relentlessly challenge and mock any believer any time, ovewhelming him with our first Four Laws.
6. Law of Changing the Subject: Using our profound intellectual and scientific superiority, we atheists and agnostics will keep moving the ball time and again, as we continue to pile on any believer with ever new challenges.
7. Law of Demanding References: Anything any believer states or claims must be backed up by peer-reviewed studies, with links to all related scientific information.
8. Law of Refuting Your References: Any peer-reviewed reference duly submitted by any believer which is inconsistent with atheist supremacy and scientific truth will be snidely dismissed as something from a church-based, unreliable source.
9. Law of Giggling and Finger-Pointing: By virtue of atheist/agnostic uber-superiority, we have the unchallengeable right to laugh at anything claimed by any believer as preposterous and not worthy of serious consideration.
10. Law of One Less: We only believe in one (1) less god than you, and this is our Supreme Law of Logic because we are repeating the Wise Words of Richard The Wise Dawkins, and if you can't tell us who made god, then you are less than one, or in other words, zero.