All the red herrings about genetics and such is beside the point of this thread.
The pattern of the fossils laid out above for reptile to mammal jaws is exactly what one would expect from an evolutionary scenario. It doesn't prove anything. Just as Jar suggests there are umpty other explanations that you could come up with.
What those undisputed facts do is NOT invalidate the evolutionary explanation.
What they also are is only one example of many, many that follow similar patterns.
It's at least interesting that all other explanations one can contrive start to look exactly that -- contrived. They don't follow naturally from the over all explanation for life's history in the rocks and what we know about biology, geology and all other sciences.
As others have noted: since we don't have the DNA of these fossilized organisms we can't see the genetic changes or link from one to the other at that level.
However, all the available evidence in the facts above suggests that at earlier times there were no mammals around at all. Since later on there are mammals around we have to ask who were their ancestors? One not unreasonable answer is that the reptiles that were around could have been their ancestors and therefore genetically linked to them.
Since we also see organisms that are part way from one end to the other even more strongly suggests that some reptiles of earlier days were in fact ancestors to some mammals of later days.
You statements about genetics have and are being discussed elsewhere. If it wasn't genetic changes that produced mammal descendants from reptile ancestors is your explanation the one given by Jar? Maybe you have another one?