Hey, it's your 'thought experiment' that you decided to take into fantasy and you're busting my balls over your paradigm that I was going along with for the sake of argument? I have nothing else to go on so I assumed that a C18 wood soft enough to work from here...
Timber Design Index - Roymech
...was a starting point considering that we might be talking about a 'solid block' but that it would need to be hewn to make a container in which case we would need to adjust your section moment OR I am happy to assume a stronger D30 material for a viable subframe with a C18 cladding in which case your model becomes inadequate even as a fantasy thought experiment.
My statement may have been 'bald' but, I obviously made the point about your 'literal interpretation' far too subtly so I will be more forthright. It is fine being a philosophical smart ass and saying that you can conceive of a solid block of wood of those dimensions and do a simple calculation in your thought experiment. Great but, being literally a philosophical smart ass back at you, assuming the solid block can be made from numerous trees how does a solid block function as a boat? It floats but it is not a boat as the term is generally understood unless you can convince me otherwise?
The statement was made in the knowledge that it is generally agreed upon that practical wooden boats over 100m are at the threshold. In this particular case of the Ark Encounter 'classic' design, a wooden boat with no means of steerage has no way to protect itself from swells and waves breaking across it. You can argue, if you like, that the flood could have been pond like and so a boat drifting with no visible keel or steerage (exactly as pictured in the Ark Encounter literature) would not need such. Regardless, modern wooden boat manufacture halted for many reasons at around 100m length mark. Finally, I will accept as evidence that previous attempts and this attempt will require sub-structures on land and/or afloat to make it viable and, it could be argued that modern H&S requirements mean that less risks have to be taken but, that indicates that quantitative risks exist with such a structure. At the same time I will accept that because it has not been made, that does not mean it cannot be made.